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Author Topic: what did you dream about last night?  (Read 56384 times)

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Offline MrRazot

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #645 on: May 20, 2012, 07:41:12 AM »
I had a dream last night :D *fist pump*

It started in the dining hall of my boarding house as it was dinner time and everyone was getting their food.
I however ended up with a plate of doritoes so I thought I could try get some cheese and salsa.
So I went to one of the house masters and asked if he had any salsa and the pulled out a big cooking pot of the stuff and put just as much as I like before adding cheese.
Feeling quite excited to have something nice for once at the boarding house, I continued to the microwave and just before I could put it in, a disabled woman who was trying to bake a cake put the cake batter in before I could. I was angry so when she turned around I took out her cake and put in my nachos.
Now with my nachos and a cup of coca cola, which appeared out of nowhere, I went back to where I sat to find someone had taken my spot, so I went to sit outside.
Funnily enough, Voldemort and princess Leia were sitting at my end of the table that I found.
Also as I picked up the pepper pot, I saw it was a Darth Vader pepper pot and I hated dart vader for some reason, so I shook out all the contents on the floor. This however created a pepper cloud and made everyone cough so I was told to leave the table.
I then found a restaurant which I could eat my nachos in and two friends were there. I don't know who they were but they were supposedly my friends.
We then started talking about Diablo 3 and I said "I wonder when it will get cracked"
Then a phone in the background goes off and we hear the manager say "who said that about Diablo 3, because the game designer called to say it will never be cracked"
I then said to my friends that google have probably started spying on people when the phone rang again and the manager came to us and asked for our identities. I gave my pseudonym and was just about to eat the nachos before I woke up.
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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #646 on: May 20, 2012, 08:25:09 AM »
I had a dream last night :D *fist pump*

It started in the dining hall of my boarding house as it was dinner time and everyone was getting their food.
I however ended up with a plate of doritoes so I thought I could try get some cheese and salsa.
So I went to one of the house masters and asked if he had any salsa and the pulled out a big cooking pot of the stuff and put just as much as I like before adding cheese.
Feeling quite excited to have something nice for once at the boarding house, I continued to the microwave and just before I could put it in, a disabled woman who was trying to bake a cake put the cake batter in before I could. I was angry so when she turned around I took out her cake and put in my nachos.
Now with my nachos and a cup of coca cola, which appeared out of nowhere, I went back to where I sat to find someone had taken my spot, so I went to sit outside.
Funnily enough, Voldemort and princess Leia were sitting at my end of the table that I found.
Also as I picked up the pepper pot, I saw it was a Darth Vader pepper pot and I hated dart vader for some reason, so I shook out all the contents on the floor. This however created a pepper cloud and made everyone cough so I was told to leave the table.
I then found a restaurant which I could eat my nachos in and two friends were there. I don't know who they were but they were supposedly my friends.
We then started talking about Diablo 3 and I said "I wonder when it will get cracked"
Then a phone in the background goes off and we hear the manager say "who said that about Diablo 3, because the game designer called to say it will never be cracked"
I then said to my friends that google have probably started spying on people when the phone rang again and the manager came to us and asked for our identities. I gave my pseudonym and was just about to eat the nachos before I woke up.
wow that was diffrent :). gooogle is part of skynet now :O but i enjoyed this story :)

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #647 on: May 25, 2012, 01:42:48 PM »
That me and my fursona were playing CoD while having a random conversation XD
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Offline Leiton

Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #648 on: May 25, 2012, 04:19:03 PM »
Okay, I've had a lot of weird and vivid dreams, but this one is up there.
Basically, I was me, all human and stuff. I was with some friends, and we were trying to figure out who had blown up this random place. We spent more time playing around then actual detective work, but we finally figured it out. The guy was dead, and a complete loser.
And sorry for lack of details, I just woke up and I'm typing this as fast as I can before I completely forget it.
After we found out who it was, The dream goes sorta fuzzy, and I "wake up" in a completely different place. There are people that I've never seen before, and they're all standing over me like "Are you okay?!" I get up and tell them I'm fine, and ask where I am. They don't tell me, so I decide to go to the restroom and look in the mirror. I spazz out. I'm a completely different person! What's worse, I'm the guy that had blown up whatever that place was. He had died in the explosion, but here he... I... was. I flipped out and was like, "What the heck is going on?!?!" And everybody is just going about their day like nothing happened. Then I go to the television. On the news, they're talking about guy blowing up that place. Only, this time, it was me. Or rather, the old me. And the old me was dead.
After that, I sorta flipped out, went outside and started to walk into the woods. Right before I got in the woods, I woke up.

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #649 on: May 25, 2012, 06:43:44 PM »
I drempt I had a phone application that showed pictures of various objects, forms (including anthropomorphic) and abstract concepts and when selected, would transform the selectee into the mentioned form.
I then got hunted down by a man dressed as elmer fudd, and couldnt decide on a movie to watch at a theater.
It was.... Bizarre.
  • Avatar by: Myself, during an experiment with inversion.
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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #650 on: May 28, 2012, 11:19:49 PM »
Well, Sunday night was the last day of Anime North  :'(

And while I was sleeping, I woke up in the middle of the night like 10 times, because my dreams was stuff from AN.

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #651 on: May 29, 2012, 12:57:21 AM »
My dreams are very bizarre. I have so many frequent weird dreams that I might post a dream journal here. (If that's allowed?)

I had a dream that Rorschach from Watchmen was walking around and since Rorschach is a crazy smelly guy I kept my distance. He went to a lake which had seahorses in it and he tried to save them or something. Then a Twister came and me and him ran into some random person's house and they wanted us to get out and wouldn't believe there was a twister even though it was as plain as day. We barged ourselves into a closet with more people in there and me and some random girl just held hands and cried.

The twister hit and the whole closet separated from the house and ended up being hooked on a pick up truck. The girl and I were still holding hands and screaming and we ended up in another country.

Then I woke up.

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #652 on: May 29, 2012, 06:59:28 AM »
I don't know what in heck it was about, but I remember only one thing from my dream (apart from that it was longer): an old jazzman, similar to and most probably Louis Armstrong, playing jazz, singing "[something joyful here] | Like a third reread of Harry Potter]"... and by an elegant, dimly lit restaurant table in the audience was sitting J. K. Rowling Lauren Faust (I think my brain forgot the difference), listening closely. On the table there was a laced, dark burgundy tablecloth and in its center a small, circular garland made of mistletoe, obviously for Christmas. Despite sitting on the floor near the table I was somehow able to see what's on top of it, heck, even zoom in to see the garland.

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #653 on: May 29, 2012, 05:17:30 PM »
I had constant dreams about 430 and Dr. Bright.
It disturbed me XD
  • Avatar by: Myself, during an experiment with inversion.
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Life is an adventure! Sure, you'll probably spend most of it weeping uncontrollably, and on fire, but hey!

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #654 on: May 30, 2012, 04:48:59 AM »
I had a dream that my mother bought $564 worth of doughnuts. O.o

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #655 on: May 30, 2012, 05:51:49 AM »
I had a dream that my mother bought $564 worth of doughnuts. O.o
*brings milk to your place* HIIII i thought ypu might need some milk

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what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #656 on: May 30, 2012, 05:53:22 AM »
I actually had a dream that I bought a fursuit (a generic looking one) and was wearing it around. Which is odd for me cause even though I'm a furry I'm not the type to walk around in a fursuit.

Offline MrRazot

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #657 on: May 30, 2012, 06:32:21 PM »
How about this:
I woke up because my alarm went off, then I woke up because my alarm went off.
Wakeception @_@
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Offline Aoren Deringer

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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #658 on: June 15, 2012, 08:34:10 PM »
I drempt of the M44 Tula high-wall (round) with a narrow site post and 1938 carbine laminated stock....
Literally, I had a dream that was dedicated to it xD It was set to music. Oh I how adore that rifle...
  • Avatar by: Myself, during an experiment with inversion.
"Science isn't about being conservative with your cash, it's about spending as much as you can as ridiculously as you can and hoping it doesn't explode."
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Re: what did you dream about last night?
« Reply #659 on: June 15, 2012, 11:52:14 PM »
still no dreams... 0-0
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