as soon as villain was out of the void max produced a small peice of metal, ingraved with seven marks. the two started to chant, progresivly getting faster "rick, jamie, tiffany, doran, mike, zach, max, chainreaper, chainsaw, chainsel, chainblade, chaingunz, chainshi, chainmeil, sloth, envy, lustgreed, wrath, pride, gluttony, locket, knife, ring, coin, casing, mirror, lighter, silver, white, purple, green, blue, gold, red.." by the third run through two distant but clear voices resinated and joined the chant. lust was down on her knees as as the end of the seventh chant seven unified screams echoed throughout each of the worlds.....
max woke up in an ally on earth, he had no idea where he was only that now he coould, with the help of three of his brothers, set things right. he stood up, falling to his knees instantly grabbing his gut in pain as hunger took over. "hay you! give me your wallet!" max just looked over to his left at the would be muger slowly, a cloudy gray ooze seeping through the veins in his right eye and most of a chain face hanging fro his face, a large razor sharp toothy grin smiling at the antelope "wrong place,right timing...." loud torchered screams echoed through the night surounding the ally