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Author Topic: Dark Reputation  (Read 14219 times)

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #165 on: March 07, 2011, 05:02:24 AM »
max walked out of the ally, perfectly normal and clean. he noticed a short bear, slightly fat in a blue t shirt, black pants and a dark blue jacket across the road leaning on a lamp post. he walked over to the twenty year old and smiled. "mike, i thought you would have landed further away." "well i didn't, got a problem?" "no, but we should go find dorian and rick before the others do. rick i'm not worried about it's dorian. they find him and it's all over for him before it starts." "don't worry, i'm here to" called a thin, weak looking rat, his small glasses partualy covering his nervous eyes. he was wearing a white long sleave button up shirt and long black pants, his broun hair slightly messy in the light wind. mike looked up through his slightly darker hair and nodded. "now we just need to find rick."
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
"If ever you should need my life, come and take it. If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see."

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #166 on: March 08, 2011, 12:28:27 AM »
   Feeling a bit better, Villain stepped into a void Diablos had created (after him and Cerberus of course). The garden of Eden she stepped into, however, made her feel like a sack of potatoes. There was plants and flowers that no one but any who were here had seen before, as well as many virtuous springs and streams all over the place, giving the serene garden life. It was night time there, and the sky was encrusted with stars of all colours, and four fabulous moons, each in a different phase. 'Crimony...who made this place?'
   'The god of everything.' Diablos said, even his demeanour softening. 'Wow, just the stars and the streams light up this place. None of that fire or electricity mortals made....its so...'
'Yeah.' Villain whispered, showing an extremely rare smile. There was a cool breeze, and spirit orbs of all colours wafted around them, and the garden; they didn't even seem to mind Cerberus too much.
  His right hand hissed, 'I don't even feel evil when i'm in a place like this.'
'This is coming from someone who likes to boil children's eyes.' A lighthearted chuckle came from all of them; this place really did bring out the good of those who still had some left. They sat on the soft grass and looked up at the radiant sky and waited for the other party to arrive.

   When Fae left, Conquest's mood turned sour. 'A war meeting? We were not told until now?!?' She tsked, 'You know where it'll be?! That cursed garden! They know that is the one place we cannot enter, that silly angel said that to wind us up! I'll give them a war meeting alright, as soon as they leave that pit!' She shouted, as she banged her fist on the table, and kicked a chair over.

   Edward moved back quickly and stared at Jelkin, 'Why do you come in here and attack an Oni for no reason? Don't you think thats a little stupid?' As fast as lightning, He had used one of his arms to rip off some of Jelkin's arm flesh. Making Jelkin pause momentarily, Edward began to consume it. 'I don't care anymore, I really don't.'

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #167 on: March 08, 2011, 12:39:53 AM »
Jelkin stopped his attitude of wild rage, and looked at his arm. He then grabbed his head, his glowing hands obviously not harming him as he yelled in pain. "Shut up, this is my fight, not yours!! You'll get your turn when I find Vill-" the darkness of the room surrounded Jelkin, then engulfed him for a long silence, then it expanded and burst to show the wolf known as Death. The only thing he was missing was his scythe, which he had left in Villain's care during his long absence. "Been a long time since we met Edward..."
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

Offline Grace.E

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #168 on: March 08, 2011, 12:53:11 AM »
Creator stepped in front of the guests, Fae followed her, Creator, still in dragon form smiled "all is well here...neither heaven nor hell rule the garden of Eden... you must remain at peace or the garden will forbid you to return" she gazed lovingly at all of her children and her brother. she laid down and Fae sat down next to her, Fae and Creator only arrived. Fae remained standing "as the embodiment of peace and freedom, I am here to keep the peace"

War growled, yet kissed his lover passionately "Patients my love...I have this all planned out"
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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #169 on: March 09, 2011, 02:15:02 AM »
Plague paused in his assault on blade and remained motionless. He felt something... amiss. Death was here. Throwing Blade aside he placed a palm on a waystone and telepathically contacted Conquest.

"Conquest... something is wrong. I sense Death's presence in it's full form.

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #170 on: March 10, 2011, 11:55:04 PM »
   Edward stopped a moment, frozen in shock and fear, 'Death?!... It cannot be...' He wheezed, 'Why are you living inside this one?...' He looked down, remembering Death when he first met him.

  He was a melted wreck, strapped to a healing table. Hyde was nowhere to be seen, but there was Villain, sat on the floor nearby, with her back against the wall. She was staring up at the ceiling, tears rolling down her face. He had gained consciousness finally, and looked hopefully at Villain-- not realising his outcome.
   'Villain...Villain i'm awake!' From his voice he knew something terrible had happened to him. Villain's eyes widened, and she looked straight into his eyes, pained. 'Wh-whats the matter Vil?' He whispered, his throat being red raw at the time... and remained so from then on. All Villain did was hold a mirror to him, at which a horrific scream resonated off the walls, 'MY FACE! VILLAIN, BY CREATOR WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME?!'
   She looked away, 'It was the book I opened...remember?' He was breathing heavily, 'b-but I was killed by you...why am I alive now?!'
'In desperation, Hyde sought the help of a horseman, using the spell of the sages... Conquest arrived; but she wasn't the one who did it.' Grabbing at his face, which now felt like sticky rubber he whimpered, 'Who on earth could revive me to be this ugly?!'
   '...The only person conquest could think of to revive souls was the horseman, Death.' Villain sighed. But there was a price to your resurrection; I didn't realise you'd have to pay it too...' 
   '...No, I offered in his steed. My soul is now in ownership of Death.'
He paused for a moment, 'but that means...!' Thats right Ed, this is the day I say goodbye...' Her voice wavered, and she looked at him sadly. The door suddenly burst open and the wolf known as Death appeared, Villain; I have allowed your part of the bargain, and now I wish to recieve mine.' A final look at Edward, her dearest friend, and Villain turned away, following he rmaster out of the recovery room....
   In those brief moments all Edward felt was dispair, his looks and his best friend had been taken away from him by the selfish wish of another... didn't Hyde love him? All Edward wanted now was to have stayed dead....

  'Why are you here all of a sudden?' Edward asked with a hint of resentment. Despite everything, he knew Villain had grown a strong fondness for him... and had lost hers for Edward, could it be any worse for me?... he thought, No; i'm not Edward anymore...Edward's dead!!!

   Conquest returned the kiss, easing her rage quickly; but then a new feeling washed over her. But before she was able to realise it herself, Plague told her straight away. '...War, my darling, we've got to go back... our brother has returned!'

   'So, this war meeting?' Diablos began, 'I had never asked nor implied for one, so why is it my sweetest of all things sister, we are having a war discussion?' Villain Sat back and enjoyed the sweetness of the place, side glancing at Cerberus, who was rubbing his face on the grass, What a messed up cat. Villain thought, smirking. She had not sensed the revival of Death, as the garden of Eden blocks all spiritual contact from coming in or out. Her thoughts crept to Max, holding the lighter in her pocket, I hope he's alright... after this, I think i'll go look for him.

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #171 on: March 11, 2011, 12:40:05 AM »
Death made no movement to show thinking or contemplation, he simply stared at Edward with both hands behind his back. "I had to leave to find new heirs to the horseman legacy, since the ones in their seats are currently striving to mess with the balance once again. As for why I am here, you attacked my vessel, who will become another horseman once he gets his teachings from my sister, Conquest. I see you had a falling out with Hyde, and only his soul remains." He slowly glided towards Hyde's remains, keeping one eye on Edward. "You may want to stay away from me, I have power over every soul I claimed, and you are no exception..."
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

Offline Grace.E

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #172 on: March 11, 2011, 06:14:48 AM »
Creator merely shook her head "this meeting will not have to do with War, I wish to speak with you about three out of four of the horsemen...they seek to destroy the balance you and I have tried so hard to maintain, luckily the separation of War and Fae is final, Blade has given into his rage. my people grow restless, they want war...but I cannot let this balance topple, if that Happens, I will have no choice but to destroy everything you and I have created..." droplets of silver tears fell at Fae's bare feet, silver flowers grew, Fae touched the soft silky petals, Creator stood up "we must keep balance my brother, I have never thought ill of you, but I am ashamed that my people have... " the flowers wither and died, Fae looked Creator she was shocked to hear this "why destroy everything?" a soft, warm breeze blew through, a voice of both male and female, so tender and loving spoke
Life is not immortal child...if a world is out of balance, we must destroy and start anew...there must always be a cycle Fae knew it was much more powerful than either Creator or Diablos, it was ancient, wise, loving and to be feared of... "God of Everything..." she spoke out loud

Blade laid there in his spot, bleeding and broken, he used the remainder of his strength to leave before he was killed, he then found himself in the Garden...his wounds still there and his head laying in the lap of a surprised looking Fae, he smiled
"howdy" he laughed.

War sensed it as well, though he was not happy "I want to see him right now" he took Conquest into his arms and transported back to Plague "where is that sneaky puppy, I want to speak with him... I am not in a good mood, for I was hoping one night of fun before something like this " he raged
« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 06:21:46 AM by Emrelda TripleMoon »
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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #173 on: March 11, 2011, 01:51:53 PM »

dorian walked nurvously down an abandoned street he watched as pair of girls turned the corner. the three instantly stoped, recignising each other. he turned and began to run as fast as he could back the way he came. he turned down a small ally and paniced when it turned into a dead end, the two girls slowly walked down behimd him, mocking him with every step. the taller and more butiful of the two spoke first. "i was hoping to find one of your b*st*rd brothers wrath or gluttony but you'll make a fun pet." "but first lets see what you've got, a good pet should be able to protect its masters." "i won't fight you! you can't make me! not you envy nor you lust! you can't make me!" with that envy grabbed him by the trought "you thing you have a choice? i'll beat you where you stand if i have to. and for the record, the names jenny." she said, her short black hair turning white as she held him off the ground." she threw him into a nearby wall and watched him fall to the ground, lust then walked over and kicked him in the ribs with her knee high boots as he tried to get up "tiffany, i'm GLAD *kick* to make your aquatance" a single gold dubloon rolled out of his pocket, he tried to grab it but tiffany got to it first. "ah, your heart, still not going to fight?"
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
"If ever you should need my life, come and take it. If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see."

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #174 on: March 13, 2011, 01:18:41 PM »
   Diablos nodded, 'I knew you wouldn't have wanted to fight me, so i'm relieved I know that much about you.' Just then, Blade appeared on Fae's lap, 'Ah, at least we have equal numbers now.' Villain looked at Fae and sighed It was only a few nights ago we met and now we seem allies of the opposite spectrum. She folded her arms behind her head and lay down flat, still listening to what they said. Cerberus asked 'So if you two needed to destroy everything, then would we be destroyed too?'

   Edward sighed as he looked at death, 'I see your plan may be a good one, but would it be so bad if the world was destroyed? so many souls are damned or miserable... Maybe the world needs to restart?' He looked at the remains of Hyde too, and whispered; 'He caused nothing but misery, even for himself. He deserved to be destroyed.'

   Conquest snarled, 'What are we going to do? I can feel that he's here, and hes very close. Are we going to confront him? I sense that the creator and the damnator are plotting against us too.' This was going fast, but she knew they could cope with it.

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #175 on: March 14, 2011, 04:13:09 AM »
Death did not look at Edward even after both statements, only took Hyde's soul and put it under his many robes before heading towards the fallen steel door. "Why do you think I gather new recruits? The horseman of old are not fit to govern the new age that will come, but that time is not now and my dear Villain still has not realized what she is capable of, not yet anyway. Also, there is a clone of Hyde outside this door, he has no memories of what the original did, and is starting to devealop his own personality. Though, I am somewhat certain that he still likes men... farewell, young Edward." Death walked out of the door, and was  followed by the tigress while the 'new' Hyde was granted the right to exist independent of Death.
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #176 on: March 22, 2011, 11:26:27 AM »

dorian was pleading with his eyes at tiffany to give him the coin back. she smiled calmly then began to bend it in her hand while jenny just watched. "chainblade no fight, chainblade no fight, chainblade no fight!!" tiffany just laughed as dorian grabbed at his own heart and head, both in pain and to try and hold back his sin. "just let it out, you'll feel better for a while." "chainblade no fight, chainblade no fight!!" dorian's voice changing from his own weak sounding voice to the strong willed comanding voice of chainblade and back again as he pleaded. tiffany smiled again, this time she held the coin in both hands and started to snap the metal coin in half. this threw dorian over the edge and out of the drivers seat as chainblade, the chain of greed took over. "chainblade fight. chainblade kill. chainblade collet!" the same type of chains that covered max started covering dorian's body, the only diferance was that he hd a green glow rather than chainmeil's red, once the transformation was complete he also had what looked like a crown made out of the chain and lacked the tenticles chainmeil had, he also had a large chainlink scottish cleymore on his hand and glowing green eyes. "give me back my heart." "make me."
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
"If ever you should need my life, come and take it. If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see."

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #177 on: March 22, 2011, 05:38:49 PM »
Fae could hardly believe that Blade was laying in her lap...his wounds started to heal as he sat up "sorry for the scare there" he said with a wink

Creator stared at her brother "I hope in some way we can agree"

War shook his head "we are going to let him come to us...then we will settle things"
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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #178 on: March 22, 2011, 07:45:04 PM »
   Edward sighed sadly as Death left him with this new Hyde. This Hyde looked at him in wonder, not knowing what would happen. Looking at him from a side glance he muttered 'Do you know who I am?' This Hyde looked confused and replied, 'Should I?' Death had given him another chance to have a normal life with someone at least it seemed, but this wasn't Hyde... but, maybe that was a good thing for him. 'I'm bored.' Edward hissed, 'I'm leaving this place, are you going to come with me?'
  'I guess so, it feels like I should.' The crow said, shrugging, walking up to Edward, 'what's my name, stranger?'
'Jekyll.' Edward replied, before opening up a portal and stepping through; there was nothing left for him here anymore... and he needed to think of many things. Jekyll followed after.

   'Agree to what?' Diablos asked, looking at her. 'To how we're going to redo this world, or that we're up against these horsemen you speak of?'

   Conquest sighed and went to sit on War's throne, lazily tossing her legs over one of the sides; 'we wait then, but I hope it won't be too long; this time, we get rid of that scumbag.'

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Re: Dark Reputation
« Reply #179 on: March 22, 2011, 10:15:51 PM »
Death made his way to Conquest's door, and motioned for the tigress with him to stay outside. He then entered the hall and opened his arms out wide. "Ah, Conquest my love... and brother Plague with brother War! So good to see you all again!" He knew full well that they wouldn't be happy at his return, but since he and War had been out of commission until just recently it was likely he could make this just an argument rather than a three-on-one battle.
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):


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