Rachel more feared for Sasha's life then her own, she could see the fear in her eyes, she said nothing though...she noticed that the door was open ajar, she opened it and quietly walked in, the glorious dining room was decorated for such an evening, shiny white plates with a gold outline, clean silverware for each course, and three crystal wine glasses, the table cloth was a rich wine red satin. the most expensive, french champagne, red and white wine a person can buy in a silver cooler, candles burned softly, a crystal chandelier hung above the room, each seat had a name tag...Rachel sat in the middle "I have a feeling Sasha, that tonight's dinner will be long" she said, picking up a crystal glass, getting the tip of her pointer finger wet, she traced the rim of the glass, a clear, high note rang "and it wont be poisoned" her detective senses were picking up, setting down the glass, she await their host.