While being a child, I acted more like an animal than a human.
I tended to walk four legged, while at kindergarden and grandparents house, especially up the stairs at grands'' house, since their staircase was is damn tall. I also digged with my hands dog-like, instead of tools (and I still consider it more comfortable).
Also, till this day I tend to:
yawn like cats,
growl and show teeth when angry,
use teeth to hold objects (thou' I think it's completely normal),
purr when rubbed and/or happy and
sometimes rub cat-like instead of hugging.
I considered myself... different... like... completely different, if not strange, because of "normals'" reactions to these actions. Now I see that I'm just part of wrong society.
I mean... We, therians, should/could make our own society, where all of these will be percieved as normal.
*awkwardly: * Right? :s