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I make fursuits, fursuit pieces, ears, etc. xD
I only have pics of my fursuit so far because I basically just started. I will have a pic of Macid's paws up soon though.
Quote from: CrazyCat on February 03, 2011, 10:39:50 PMI don't have a collar, or a tail, or paws, or a fursuit, and I don't go around announcing to everyone I'm a furry, so nobody offline knows I'm a furry. oh...but WE KNOW!*shifty eyes*..<<...>>
I don't have a collar, or a tail, or paws, or a fursuit, and I don't go around announcing to everyone I'm a furry, so nobody offline knows I'm a furry.
I'm a light fur. No need to flaunt it. Just wear a collar in private and draw furries in class every once in a while but thats about it.
I wore cat ears and my collar with a bell on it.
I was made fun of too, but I honestly don't care what others think at all.
iam between a 2 and 3 i have it all over my fb and i tell people iam one i kind of where a collar but i dont have a tail or ear peace ( yet and if i did i wouldnt where it to the collage )
my mom doesn't know about my dog collar and if she did i wouldnt be able to where it so i where it when no one is around