That's not what I meant....I should have been more specific I meant that it's scary how many places, organizations, and people do the same thing: they say it nicely 'please don't talk about that stuff here' when that little nice front is a lie. More and more places are saying the same thing! And the more that happens, the more difficult it becomes for people to freely speak. Soon there will be no place to speak about anything except behind closed doors. Soon all of our books will be censored so that no-one will 'take offense' and then we'll have our nice little dystopian society that everyone's been looking for.
Wow that rant didn't belong here, nope nope.
And I do apologize for infringing on your thread, Sain. You don't deserve my anger, you are a nice guy just trying to keep a thread under control and you've done nothing wrong. I'm just angry that the same rules placed on your thread have become major 'rules' in this country.
But whatever we don't need to fight anymore I'll shut up and butt out.