okay, I am going to have to be strict with you on this, you can only be you characters you have created, you can not alter the plot, I am very paranoid when it comes to godmodding(as you may have noticed). do not do "cerri said" on your post,
I play Cerri, Tia and Billy Redbeard and his dragon, I will also play as the Bad guy and the Good Guys. you play your dragon, mongoose and Hex, only those characters. thats it, if you want something to happen, talk to me first, because I have this all planned out. if you also want to put in one more character, again, talk to me first. I will alter and stop things as needed.
its okay, I am ripping off things from Eragon and WoW...though there is no mark when someone is chosen by a dragon, and all dragons speak 'mind speech' which means we can understand other peoples dragons unlike in Eragon.
yeeeees.....those of you who know WoW...Destroyer is a.k.a Deathwing, his introduction is from the cinematic commerical for WoW Cataclysm (
) the other dragon aspects will come later.
I kept StormWing for hecks, so the capital of Azeroth remains the same. i need to add more races because I didnt get all of them (lol) and if you are a WoW expert, you may add another class. if approved by me.