**singing lesson**
Belle sang O Holy Night for the Christmas recording, the CD would be on sale that Christmas..Belle was chosen as the main singer, reluctantly she did it. though she was practicing until the recording on November, she had to sing fourteen songs. on top of it all she was performing in the Phantom of the Opera play, she was outraged when she was tricked into playing Phantom when they actually switched the story around...a new character was added, her character was practically the new love obsession for 'Erik' after Raoul and Christine left. the outrageous part was that she was 'supposed' to be a very....seductive woman that is a tango dancer that moved from Argentina... Belle was annoyed by the fact that she had to play such an outrageous character that would ruin the story, some how she would water down the character and make her slightly different wither they liked it or not.
"Belle!" the teacher shouted, Belle stopped and glared, the teacher whipped his watery eyes "continue"