go to EquestriaDaily.com for all My Little Pony community news. They post about everything, including comments from creators and animators on the show, new episodes, rumours, crappy hasbro merchandise, awesome fan made merchandise, community events, Pony Related Videos (parodies, music vids, readings, that kinda stuff), fanart and fanfiction (a lot of the art is generally pretty good and so is the fanfiction to some extent) and whatever else draws attention.
speaking of ED, in case people don't know, they recently ran a rather important set of stories. Lauren Faust (the brain behind Friendship is Magic) will have a more reserved role on the team for Season 2. She's now a consultant rather than an executive producer. That's not to say that the show will get worse. Most of the same team of animators and writers will be working on it. They've already started animating the first 7 episodes, including a return of fan favourite, Princess Luna. Also Ditzy "Derpy Hooves" Doo is now considered a proper canon character but will still be a background pony who you have to search for.