So, I'm already in my Senior Year of High-School. And, I know what College I'm going to, have had everything set up with their reps so that I can go, and know generally what it is I want to do with my life. However, I honestly don't know now what to choose =S.
Originally, my career choice was Computer Hardware. And, by that, I mean actually working with the physical computer. Building them, maintaining them, all the separate parts, etc etc. I have quite a bit of experience with it, so I figured it'd be an easy thing to do. Then, from going to the two-year College I'm going to, I'd transfer over to a four-year college. And, that's when I would either go and open my own Business working with computers, or go further and get my Masters, and teaching at my school here.
HOWEVER, last night I was working Tech Crew at the Talent show at my school, and it kind of got me thinking that maybe I want to go for a career in Technical Theater, such as running lights and sound. That's something I have about four years of a lot of experience with, and it's something I love to do. And last night was my first real big job of the year doing such things, so it kind of revamped the idea in my mind.
My only problem is, is that both ideas are kind of hit-or-miss. If I open my own business, I could mess up, go in massive debt and lose it. If I try and go for teaching, but can't find a job for it, well, then who knows what I'd do, seeing as how that means I nearly wasted another four years or so.
If I go with Tech. Theater, that's even worse, because you never know where you'll be needed, and it would be more of a "call you when we need you" kind of job, which is still pretty shady.
Which would be the better choice to go with? Both are what I love doing, but both could go pretty bad =S