I might have gotten this wrong but are you saying that people are not allowed to say that they dislike being human? That they cant express their distaste sometimes at the human race? I myself have been disgusted at some of the things our species has done in the past, as I'm sure you all have. I mean fair enough if they start bashing other people solely because they are human, but silencing somebody who is just unhappy isn't right either.
You say it can be claimed that it's offensive to others. If they wish to complain that they themselves don't like being human for some reason, I don't see how that can be offensive at all. And after saying that people cannot complain, you go on to say that you are an open community. which seems to me to be very hypocritical in my opinion. I don't see how just complaining is harming anyone.
For example if I said, 'Oh, I hate being white, I wish I wasn't' I don't see how that's offensive to other white people. It's my opinion, it's my choice. I'm unhappy with who I am. and your saying stuff like that should be silenced?
To be honest I don't think that's a very wise move at all, and I'm surprised that nobody has pointed it out. This thread offends me more than anyone complaining about being human does.
You are ALL human, you are all of the species "homo sapiens" and as much as you may wish to be an animal, you cannot.
I think that sentence right there could be deemed as offensive to therians and other people of such ilk. It may be the truth for some people. But others may not believe so, and I think that it was very insensitive to say such a thing, especially on the premise of being open and fair.
I can understand that you may have been a bit angry but I feel that in future you should think twice before posting something like this.
I do not mean to rant, but I thought you should know that this may be viewed as offensive to some members of the community.