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Author Topic: cheese treats PUMPKINS  (Read 1496 times)

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cheese treats PUMPKINS
« on: March 07, 2011, 10:18:23 PM »

a bag of pretzel sticks
block of velveta Cheese
a bundle of kale
a few toothpicks
chopped walnuts

take a large block of Velveta cheese (its best to use because its plyable and moldable) and roll the whole thing into inch and a half balls, they dont have to be perfectly round.
and place them on a tray.
you then take the kale, and break off the leaves so its just one leaf, and a stem about  -----------  long. and take the pretzel sticks and break them in half.
take your cheeseball, and place the stem of the leafe where you want it then take the half pretzel stick and press in in the ball of chese on the stem. the stick will then pull the stem into the cheeseball wit the stick and give you a nice ball, stem and leaf it should look like an apple at this point.

then you take your toothpick and carefuly make your lines up and down the ball, giving it more of a pumpkin look, and when your done..carefuly press the bottoms of the pumkins in the diced wallnuts so they cling to the bottom

and there you have it! cheese pumpkins, fun little snacks and they even go well with dipping salsa!!

<-------this ish me :3  

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