Too much country on too little soil...
It's down-right overpopulated, and, partly, as a result, has rediculously strict regulations for stuff. And whatever's not illegal gets the living hell taxed out of it, with the Netherlands' being one of the top most aggresive taxers in the world.
Also, there's not enough forest...
I love forests, and the Netherlands does have some absolutely beautifull nature, but there's soo few, and so tiny, that all of 'em are practically national attractions, crammed to the absolute brim with paved roads, and pathways, and permanently crawling with people...
What really pisses me off most, is that you're not allowed to leave the pathways, or soo much as be in the forest at night.
Hence, why I'd much rather live in Canada, or Scandinavia, but hey, that's just my personal opinion, and stuff...