Tier mulled this over a moment. The Vulpa had no qualms over using young ones as spotters or scouts but she was not a Vulpa. "I think... that as long as she stays close by there shouldn't be any harm. Act as a scout or a patrole within a short area. Give her a little bit of a grownup's job and see if she likes it." He said with a shrug. "Besides, the tighter a leash, the more apt you are to try to slip the collar." Tier mused. Granted it was a bit of a risk, but as long as someone kept an eye on her things should be alright. Besides, he remembered what he was like at that age and how much of a hellion he was at times, and some of the stunts he tried to get away with just because he wasn't supposed to. "We can talk about later and see what it's all about." Tier said to Max. It was them he spied the tattoo on Moon's collarbone and furrowed his brow. Tier had tats, his was a serial tat and tats of service awarded to him for actions within the field but these looked very similar to a serial tat. "Where'd you get that?" Tier asked confused as facts ran through his head. One, someone who either had, or knew how to make a tattoo machine had set ink to her. Two, someone had some decent ink for the lettering to be so bold and visible. And three, unless someone had a stencil those were military lettering. Even if they weren't the blocky cut-and-go style lettering there was just something about the shape and flow about something that was done by some form of government personnel.