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Author Topic: Easy to twist words.  (Read 1042 times)

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Easy to twist words.
« on: March 22, 2011, 08:52:36 PM »
This isn't really a rant, just a discussion. Have you ever been accused of being a furvert because someone decides to twist your words or some other reason?

When I'm on Deviant Art, sometimes I feel the need to fave pictures of attractive women right after I tell people "Non-humans are always cooler than humans, but female humans are always HOTTER than non-humans." I do it because words are so easy to twist, and I get worried that after I tell someone something like that (Especially without the Humans are always Hotter part) that some people might get the wrong idea about me. But in all honesty, that's mostly the reason Benny N' Friends has an ugly main female (Defylar) because I don't like overly "attractive" anthro characters. They're ALWAYS creepy to me. That, and I would rather any furverted viewers not have something to (y-word) over after watching the cartoon. Male furries can be really cool, even female anthro characters if they're not made into furvert fantasy characters can be cool. But female anthros that are PURPOSELY made to turn people on are just... no thank you. I mean, I know (y-word)ing doesn't really hurt anyone, but I still find it a bit weird. And when it comes to babes, I'd take Samurai Shodown's Charlotte or Soul Caliber's Xiangua or even Power Instinct's Angela Belti over any Female anthro character.

While I haven't been accused of being furverted yet, I know many people who could take anything I say the wrong way and it would lead to that. Anyone have similar worries or problems?

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Re: Easy to twist words.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 04:32:25 AM »
I understand the feeling, people always take what I say the wrong way or just tell me that I'm acting stupid. Reason why I'm considering a job being a Mime, totally perfect cuz I could wear my dragon suit, when I'm done making it, and not have to say anything. But yah people can really suck sometimes, and can just absolutely ruin the whole fun of living and just being. It's totally is not cool when people twist the simple things we do in our meger existence only to just take a boot to it cuz the got a bug up their rearend about it, but whatever people are people too, which means they've got problems all the same infinite pile of screwed up stuff  that only comes from this void we are born into. This is why it's important to listen first before blindly accussing people
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Re: Easy to twist words.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 08:20:57 PM »
Oh, absolutely. Lots of people do that. The most popular one I see is taking, "I'm a furry." and twisting it to say, "I like to **censor** animals and I'm into the kinkiest, most disgusting forms of sex imaginable."
It's an insanity thing; you wouldn't understand.
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Re: Easy to twist words.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 08:50:10 PM »
ARGH! My arch nemisis Xanguah! >:O (Yea, spelled her name wrong, I know...)

But, I like the "y-word" but I don't go overboard with it, like SOME I know (Glares in general direction of SoFurry) I'm all for people doin' their own thing, but I hate when people wrongly assume things about a group that they don't know ANYTHING about.

AND there's bucketloads of porn on the internet, but why do we get picked out of all of those.

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Re: Easy to twist words.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2011, 08:59:06 PM »
ARGH! My arch nemisis Xanguah! >:O (Yea, spelled her name wrong, I know...)

I always thought that "Just kidding!" business of hers was adorable.

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