The Beatles - "Let it Be" - This song is just relaxing, and a song that tends to let me take a step back from whatever problem I might be facing, and just put it into perspective. Helps also with dealing with "haters" (not necessarily furry haters, but haters more like those of the WBC) and it's sort of a "there's not much you can do about people like that, so just let it be and do what makes you feel happy."
Immeadiate Music - "Holy" - It's a very calming, very soothing song that's just great to listen to. There's some dramatic sounds thrown in, but they sort of get me feeling more creative than anything else. I did a practice short story while listening to this song, as well as a ballad (although, it was a terrible ballad because I suck at poetry, but it was still fun).
Voltaire - "Crusade" - It's probably the song that speaks to my empathetic side. It's very much a song about accepting others who are different, instead of making fierce enemies and just clashing with one another over and over again. The story of the song is of an unnamed European soldier during the Crusades, who then becomes a father of a new soldier who goes off to war.
Voltaire - "God Thinks" - This song, to me, puts the words fundamentalists of any religion shout out, to rest. The song itself is very, very sarcastic, going on about how people are so judgmental, so demeaning of others by using "Because God said so" as an excuse for doing so. There are verses where, through sarcasm, it shows just how ridiculous doing something like that is and how poisonous the words can actually be. Even though I'm an atheist (as is the composer and musician), it's a song that has a valuable message behind it that many people could take to heart.
Voltaire (A lot by him, isn't there?
) - "Day of the Dead" - This is just a very fun, fast paced song that makes me feel happy. Makes me feel more bouncy, and more inclined to do things like dancing and messing around, and singing along. I always love songs that have this ability to make me want to go out of my introverted comfort zone, and to do something fun with some friends in a more social vein.
David Bowie - "Heroes" - This song makes me feel... sad, and grateful at the same time, and understanding to a degree. The song itself is about two lovers, trapped on opposite sides of the Berlin Wall when Germany was split in half (US/Allies, and the Soviets) and how they'd go to each other and try and be close to one another, despite the gunfire from guards and such. It makes me grateful that no such physical barrier would separate me from someone I would love, but empathetic to a point as there's a bit of a figurative wall that could (depending on location in the country, really) due to my sexual orientation.
Rammstein - "Morgenstern" - Even though this song is German, I looked up the lyrics and read them through a number of times. I really like this song, and it makes me feel pretty confident, because of the song's message. Knowing of how insecure I am (about everything), including my appearance, I liked how this song had a character I could relate to. (that character being the female, the one praying to the morning star so to be beautiful on the outside), but there's another character that also "prays" for her, but in the vein of "make this hideous wretch something I can stand looking at", and then there's an unidentified third source that essential speaks the point behind the song. The third character calls to the shallow man, the one who wants her looks to change and thinks she's hideous, and essentially says that beauty is not skin dip, but runs through the very being of a person - the personality - and that he is a hideous monstrosity due to how cruel he is to others, based upon that he loves only for the skin-deep beauty and not the beauty of the person. I might be a bit off in some places, but that's what I pulled away from it.