As the trio walked even on down the twisting paths that linked the cafes and shops to the Furry Paradise Inn, they chatted amoungst themselves, talking about what brought them to this 'neck of the woods' Moonraiser and Kanako, stopping every so often to play fight, which was not really constructive at all as it only slowed their progress to Kitt's faveourite cafe, never the less Kitt just looked at them and giggled at their canine capers, they never seemed to get old. After walking for what seemed like hours, although this was not helped by the to wolfs, Kitt Moonraiser and Kanako found themselves outside Kitt's favourite cafe, 'The Guilded Persian'.
Kanako sat their with his fluffy white tail wagging as he poked Moonraiser with his muzzle, he turned to Kitt: "This the place you were raiving about?" asked Kanako, his head was tilted to one side when asking this question, its strange how even the most fearsom of fighters could look so cute at times.
//Naration ends//
((OOC: on another note i am tempted to write a short story about our adventures lol))