WARNING: This is a long intro, and it is written as much for myself as it is for this community. I realize I may be breaking some unwritten rules by introducing myself as a regular person or not remaining as anonymous as everyone else and I apologize. Also, if this post extends into some other forum besides simply the intro (such as the rant or help ones) I apologize just let me know (I read the rules, and have been on some forums with very stingy mods and admins so I’m just making sure)
I’m Bags and I am a furry…? furry fan? whatever term you prefer, they all involve fur. As I write this AA style intro, I realize its not 100% because I’m not even sure as to the exact definition of those terms. And I have read a few essays on that very topic and still don’t know a precise, universal definition. So it may seem strange, but even though I’m not completely sure what a furry is, I know that I am one. How? You may ask: Well, I’m sure some people here can sympathize with me on this: I have always been different; I have always had an affinity for animals, specifically the canine species. I understand them. Find me a dog, and we can be friends (unless of course it has rabies). But it is more than that, I have always been a fan of anthro’s, and I feel I have a deep connection to canines (wolves specifically [I know how original]). And I’m not going to say I don’t like myself as I am because it aint true, but I’m also not going to say I would mind having a tail
. Now I’m not sure if that makes me a therian or what-have-you because I havn’t really looked into it, but that is partly why I have come here, for help and advice.
There, now that I have gotten that off my chest I’ll introduce myself. I am a 19-year-old soldier from RI and I have only recently come to the realization/admitted it to myself that I am a furry. I realize most of the intros here are simple hellos, even for those new to the furry community like myself, but it hasn’t been so easy for me. Before just recently all I knew of furries was the negative stuff from the news and tv, and I have had conversations with my friends and family discussing furries, and I just sat and listened as they ranted on how messed up furries are. All I could think was that I can “-understand why anyone would be like that-” So yea, I have felt alone, I know no one who would understand how I feel, and the people I have told shun me. And if told anyone but my piers, I’d be sent to a therapist. I may be overdramatizing it, but I can only be described as normal up to this point in my life, and this lifestyle brings a stigma along with it, as I am sure you are all aware.
So yes, I am completely new to the furry community, but I have been lurking around the internet and stalking (look at me using animal lingo already
) this sight in-particular for a while now, so I have read up. I decided to come here because I have read a few threads and I feel like I found people like me. I want to actually meet others like me, so I hope this forum will help me do that (though I do realize that’s not the primary function around here). I’m not gonna lie, I am completely green to the furry/rp way of life, and may be slow to learn, but I hope to contribute as much as I can. I draw, but I am not much of an artist. I write fervently, and Ive been told my stories are good (all based heavily in reality). I’m not an experienced role player (unless tactical role playing counts
), but I am willing to try anything. I havnt really developed a fursona, and I do not have a fursuit (though I do hope to make one eventually).
So no, this intro was not the usual. I’m not gonna be barking, pouncing or wagging any tails… at least until I figure out if this furry extension of my spine is a tail, or something I should ignore and hope it goes away.