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Author Topic: "does this make my butt look big"  (Read 2097 times)

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"does this make my butt look big"
« on: June 04, 2011, 07:13:18 AM »
im sure everyone has had there mate ask them something like AND women alike

you have your love them inside and out, there the love of your life. and from time to time they ask you "do you think im sexy" or "do you like how this looks?"
and i KNOW that regardless of your one point you said a yes when you were thinkin a NOOOOOOO >w>

my mate is a little "larger" than what my "dream guy" would be. he is attractive but a bit on the....heavier side. and im not shallow, i love people for who they are regardless. but sometimes when he goes around the apartment without a shirt and in nothing but his boxers and decideds it to be a funny idea to do a "jiggle dance" in front of me i cant help but be a little grossed out at the boobs that god never meant to be. ( XD )
but i love him to death..

has your view of your mate changed simply because you know them well? like...if you didnt know them and you saw them walking down the street would you be attracted to them?
(i know this is a dodgy topic, so feel free to talk about PAST mates rather than current if you think this will get ya in trouble with them > > )
so yes...let us talk about how love is blind in ALL senses of the word!

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Re: "does this make my butt look big"
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 07:19:23 AM »
Yea. xD
I love my dude, but there is a few things I'd change about his appearance.

But I know that there are some things that he would change about me (We actually had a convo about this exact topic, and we were straightforward with each other) so it kinda cancels each others out, and we said "As long as we both don't get morbidly obese, we'll still think the others sexy." :P

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Re: "does this make my butt look big"
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 07:22:52 AM »
yeah, i think my mate is sexy in his own right...but he could do a little less flaunting..if you know what i mean X3

im glad he is comfortable with himself, id just rather him not be boaty with it. cause not everyone IS comfortable

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Re: "does this make my butt look big"
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2011, 07:54:08 AM »
Obviously I wouldn't ask a girl out unless I found her attractive. When I jump into a relationship, I'm not looking for "a temporary thing." I hate breakups, and I hate dating a girl I don't find myself actually loving wholeheartedly. I don't do it because I'm shallow, but rather because if I look for a partner of any kind; I want to be attracted to their outside and their inside. I would never dare to venture towards disliking one person for how they look, however; so tarnish the thought. However, if I'm looking for a love, I want to have a treat for the body, mind and heart; not one or the other.

I'm not a douche about dates either; I've turned down my fair share of women, but never have I made them feel insignificant. Because every person on this planet has a purpose. They're going to meet people, do things no one else has, and think like no other. Insignificant? Not a damn person on this planet is such a thing; so I make sure that despite wanting that "perfect girl" that no lady asking me out that gets rejected is bad or anything like that. I'd sooner be an amoral bastard than treat someone (who doesn't ask for it) like trash.

So in the end, I wouldn't get into a relationship unless I found myself wholly comfortable with rather than uncomfortable. Because when I choose, I try to choose for life. Like the relationship with my current girlfriend; her and I are very attracted to one another in every conceivable way. She and I can't get over one another. I truly have found that she shares my musical tastes, video game tastes, favorite animals, favorite foods, favorite colors, favorite Pokemon, favorite elements, you name it we share it!

I would definitely have cast a passing glance at Gabby (aka Zypher or Caztre), and stayed there for a bit. She's damn sexy, and draws the eye quite well. Indeed in this case is the love unconditional; but then again, so is her want to stay healthy and fit. Win win? I'd say so.

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Re: "does this make my butt look big"
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2011, 08:09:54 AM »
well i didnt JUMP into it persay...i was friends for a while and then went to dating. i knew him for a while so i was comfortable with him...his personality..his looks..and just him in general.
and when you start thinking romaticaly, you sort of tend to overlook things

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Re: "does this make my butt look big"
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2011, 08:16:20 AM »
I agree with Kaprika. xD

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Re: "does this make my butt look big"
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2011, 07:40:03 AM »

Yeah I know exactly what your saying. Its really bad when your in a relationship with someone who has no self-confidence whatsoever. Normally I'm all about what inside, but my ex was so unattractive physically that faking it started to be really hard. Of course she still had a pretty face, which is what I was first attracted to. But then she (already a larger girl) gained more weight. I don't know how I ever managed to pretend to like her body. This fact had nothing to do with why we broke up, but I think the reason I became less attracted to her was her own fault since she gained weight.
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Re: "does this make my butt look big"
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2011, 08:14:57 AM »
I mean, at some point people have to be realistic with themselves and their looks.

Like if you know your bf/gf doesn't have some sort of fat fetish and you're gaining some weight, you have to expect that somewhere down the line they're not gonna be as physically attracted to you as before.

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Re: "does this make my butt look big"
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2011, 06:39:36 PM »
yes, i feel that when your in a relationship you should take care of yourself..because its not fair to whom your with if you just "let it go" and expect the same feelings of them.

like me, im currently on a cerial and granolabar diet and im hoping that in a few weeks ill start seeing some weight loss. i wanna loose like..50 pounds?
because i know that if IM self conchious about myself, then that may be a sighn i need to do something about it. because i dont wanna make my mate feel like he has to "say yes" when he is thinking the no.

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