YES! I just got my first collar! My dog and I walked down to the pet store, and I got a collar. I'll post pictures
Apperantly they won't post. I'm going to change my avatar into my tags though
And they're on my DeviantArt, so the thingy underneath my profile on the side thing will take you straight there.
Someone just came to the door and I panicked and took it off
I feel so comfortable in natural. I think I scared my girlfriend with it because I asked if I could put her name on the back and her phone number, and she said it was too possessive..I feel bad now *whines and sits in the corner* I didn't mean to offend her or anything
But yeah. It feels pretty comfortable, not sure what it's made of. When I went to go get my collar, it really helped to have my dog with me, and I told the lady that I had another dog who was on vacation with a 15" neck. So! I apperantly have a fictional mutt who is eight years old..I felt like such a good liar. It also fits with my fursona.
It feels so weird posting pictures of myself in human form..