Suicune's custome Move: Hydro-clone= Suicune turns to water as water about her rises up in a rotating Cyclone of water which fly towards the foe, doing high damage. the user must rest afterwards one turn. The near-er she is to water, The more powerful the move.
*Dazed and jelious of the shiney, beautiful, and dazzeling Lugia, I look at my MPCU's rotator disk longingly, as if holding back from saying something. I then shake my head and turn back to Zhono* "Very well Zhono, We shall fight an epic of fights tonight!" *I yell as the winds pick up, blowing the folds of my trench coat rapidly in the breeze. Turning the Suicune,* "Now my old friend, we shall fight against the oncomeing tides once again. We've never before faced off against a Lugia, and a shiney one at that! But it matters not who they are for we shall face them just the same!" *Suicune snarles and howls an uncaracteristic howl, full of violence and anticipation of the chance of battle.*
I then say in a compleatly monotone and emotionless voice, "We are ready Mr. Veranhaut. The first move is mine-" Suddenly, echoing for the air around me and not my own mouth, my voice shouts in an excited tone, "Suicune, Extreamspeed, NOW!" Suicune, in an invisibly fast motion, slams into Sapphire's upper body, she spirals backwards as suicune suddenly reapears in the center of the lake.