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Author Topic: A Wild Pokemon Appears!  (Read 8367 times)

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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #60 on: August 26, 2011, 01:46:20 AM »
*The electrical bolt directly hits the lightning bolt, spreading radidly about it. It then hits Zhono, sparking about him. His fur poofs up as he falls limply into to lake.* "Hmmm, two points for style, but minus two for foolishness, then plus one for foolhardness. Sigh, Feraligater?" *Feraligater snaps up after staring at the cyclone. He leaps into the water and dives towards Zhono. He emerges above the waves holding the limp Zhono in his claws. He rushes him to shore and lays him on the ground infront of Carolinn and I.* "Hmmm, This will either save you, or kill you immediatly. Either way, this WILL hurt!." *I place my paws on his forhead and heart. They glow light blue, then a large quantity of water, and alittle blood, spew from Zhono's mouth as he gasp for breath. I then turn him on his side as he spews his lunch all over the ground. I then make my paw glow yellow and I lightly rap his spine. He feels sensasion return to his body and can move again. He's cold and in horrid pain. I then roll him on his back again as his breathing returns.* "Increadable, you survived. You are certainly a powerful individual indeed! Other than the antagonising pain, how do you feel?"
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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #61 on: August 27, 2011, 01:58:27 AM »
[[where'd the second electric bolt come from?  :? ]]
Carolinn quickly drops her sketch pad and dashes worriedly over to Zhono's position. "Zhono? Zhono! Are you okay?" Zhono coughs lightly and looks up toward Carolinn "Heh, don't worry about me. I'm fine..." He turns to Wolf "Thanks for that, Wolf. I owe ya one." He thanks Wolf weakly. "I think I can take it from here..." Zhono slowly lifts up his fist, and opens it, causing a huge, grean, bright light to cover the area. After the light fades, Zhono coughs one more ime, and sowly gets up. He isn't able to lean on a leg, and his arm was smshed beyond a simple magic repair, but he is no where near as bad as it was. "You are a very remarkable trainer, Wolf. You and your Suicune have a bond that I hve yet to see in others, not to metion that Suicune are naturally powerful in the first place.." He does the closest thing to a bow that he could do in his current state to both the Suicune and Wolf.  "I concede... You and your Suicune are victorious. I don't think Sapphire and I could take much more anyway." he hobbles over to Sapphire and pets her head. "You did excellent Sapphire, the best I've ever seen you do. You deserve a good, long rest." Sapphire squees a little and affectionately nudges Zhono with her nose. Zhono returns Sapphire to her Pokeball and turns back to Suicune. "Again, I am humbled that I battled with you Suicune. I do hope I was not too easy..."

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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #62 on: August 27, 2011, 12:23:57 PM »
[Srry, I accedentally said lightning bolt twice, I meant to say Frozen Cyclone  :$ ]
"Hahaha, Easy? You were the most competent, powerful, and attatched trainer/pokemon we have faced off against in, well... EVER! No, I should be thanking you, friend. I definally learned a few things from the battle, thank you." *Turns to the frozen Suicune and releases a blast of warm light from his paws. The Ice mealts away, revealing Suicune, unharmed. She happily bows to Sapphire, and is then tackeled by Feraligater and dragged onto land, where He holds her down and mumbles something happily.* "Hmm, he always hates it when she battles. Ah-hem," *Turning back to Zhono* "Mr. Veranhaut, are you traveling alone? I have been for some time and, well, the trail can get quiet lonely with no one to talk to. I don't really have a goal in mind where as to be headed, And I'd like to learn a little bit about these stunning pokemon you have acquaired. I won't get in the way and I can help pay for things. Plus, with the recent 4th Team Rocket Uprising, it's always safer to travel in "Packs" I might say. (Though two wolves are hardly a pack) Could I perhasp stick around for a while? Unless you have something importaint you must do that is."
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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #63 on: August 28, 2011, 12:09:09 AM »
Zhonosmiles and waggles his tail at the request. "I was hoping you would ask that; I would be gratefull tat you would join. Ya see, even with a taking Pokemon, it can get so lonely on the road. I need another anthro to talk to... erm, no offense Carolinn." He quickl apologzed to his Vulpix. Carolinn nods understandingly. "None taken. To be honest, I would also like to travel with Wolf. Would give me a chance to draw more sketches of him- uhm, I mean, his Pokemon." Carolinn said before lightly blushing for some reason. Zhono looks at her confusedly for a moment, then turns back to Wolf. "Well... looks like it's settled. We shall travel as a group." Zhono suddenly feels a sharp pain in his broken arm. "Urk.. but, can we head to a Pokemon Center first? I'm not in the best condition in the world..."

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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #64 on: August 28, 2011, 03:48:51 AM »
The unknown pokemon finally stirs and looks at them, her eyes blinking and her mouth yawning.

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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #65 on: August 28, 2011, 04:01:00 AM »
*Wags his tail a little at the idea of finally having a travel companion. smiles* "Fantastic, I have been alone on the beaten path for far too long. I will happily bring you to a pokecenter. There is but one problem friend. The nearest pokecenter is blackthorn city. Thats what happens when your deep in the mountain forrest of Jhoto. The problems with this is, Your Lugia is in no condition to travel such distances, and my Salamance cannot possibly carry two fully grown anthro wolves and their pokemon for this extreamly long, 5 hour flight journry. Gardevour will only teleport me. Your too weakened to teleport us and there is no way im strong enough to port this many life forms this great of distance... Your bleeding fairly badly... I... I... I must... I must summon him... It is the only way... Zhono, What I am about to show you is my GREATEST secret. Perhaps one of the world's GREATEST secrets as well! One that would put Suicune to shame. It is also the only way you can be saved from bleeding out. Zhono, What I am about to show you, you must swear you will never tell another living soul. Do you swear?"
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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #66 on: August 28, 2011, 09:18:21 PM »
Zhono thought in his head what hs secret might be. The first Pokemon to come to mind was Arceus, but there was no way he could know for sure. "You have my word." He assured Wolf, wanting to get to the Pokemon center ASAP.

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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #67 on: August 28, 2011, 11:19:07 PM »
*Sighs nervously, looking down on my MPCU* "Zhono, you of all people must know that there is more that one legendary pokemon, of course." *Nodding and Sapphire* "It is one of the best kept secrets about pokemon. It is, however, a mere bi-product of a greater power. These legendaries, have you ever wondered where they come from? A few can breed and some are born from natural disasters, yes, but what of the others. Many people are so awed by the Legendaries themselves that they neglect these questions. I, however, have not. I asked, hundreds of years ago, I asked. I search for the answers long and hard. It took over 100 years of HARD study, but I eventually found IT. I eventually found THE ANSWER. Or, at least part of the answer. I learned what no other has learned. These Legendaries are CHILDREN! THe mear OFFSPRING of a greater force. A higher power. We all know pokemon were created, but a myserious amount of mysterious pokemon were also created in secret. These monsters of CLOSSAL power lived in places even a Raequaza couldn't even fly to. No mere pokeball of ANY caliber can hold one. A master ball to them is a marshmellow to a kingler's claws. Luckily, I use no pokeballs... I call them, the Masters. They are not creatures to be worshiped, of course not! they are simply powerful beings who hide from others and create the creatures we see now as Legendaries." *I place my left index finger on the central disk of my MPCU and close my eyes. I then mutter a soundless sentance and open my eyes. Quietly, i whisper,* "Forgive me, Pheonix" *Suddenly a seventh tablet emerges from the central disk. It is solid black with glowing gold and red flame designs on it. It begins to glow and noiseless whispers echo in the air as the wind begins to pick up drastically and the sky becomes horridly foggy and cloudy. To Zhono,* "I discovered one, Zhono. I found a Master. He is the father of all Ho-oh. HE created them through genetics. HE is two of a kind, the other being a female I've yet to find. You think a mere Ho-oh is stronge? Heh, you havn't seen anything yet." *With that a black beam blazing with golden light burst from the MPCU. The energy comes together in the sky as the wind seems to swire around it. It forms into a black, yet glowing blob that shapes into the same crude shape as a Ho-oh, but MUCH bigger and MUCH more manacing looking.* "I show you now, Pheonix! Master of all Ho-oh and wielder of the true Sacred flame!" *The glowing stops to reviel a Huge Ho-oh, about 4x the size of a normal one, with solid black feathers. It's eyes are the most purest of white and immense power can be seen in them. It has many lines and streams of golden feathers with red hints to them streaming throughout it in almost perfect flow. It's claws are pure silver in color and easily 7 meters long. It faces me in a confused face, and screams a nearly soundlessly high pitched "KAWW" at me. I nod, clearly speaking through my mind. as this goes on, the trees in the area burn in a beautiful, heatless white flame that doesn't seem to harm the trees at all. All is silent, save for the wind. Even Suicune stares quietly. I then Turn to Zhono.* "Well, what do you think? Not bad for a Master, aye?" 
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 07:48:22 PM by Wolf 7133 »
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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #68 on: August 29, 2011, 01:16:22 AM »
when suddenly, a challenger appears!

"GO 5 MAGIKARP! (and 1 remoraid)"

said Jimmy.

"ready to lose giant bird thing?"
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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #69 on: August 29, 2011, 07:46:22 PM »
 T_T  *I roll my eyes as raise a paw at the intruders. They teleport to Violet City with no memory of what just happened at all.*
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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #70 on: August 29, 2011, 09:09:30 PM »
Zhono ignores the intruders, instad focusing on the sheer beauty of the "Phoenix" as Wolf called it. "Oh. My. God..." Zhono gasped, mouth agape. "B-but... I thought Mew was the origin of all known Pokemon, and that Arceus gave birth to Mew..."

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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #71 on: August 29, 2011, 09:31:10 PM »
[srry, idk how to spell Phoenix :$ ]
"Yes, That is what I was told too, and in ways it is correct. But Mew did not create ALL the Legendaries. Arceus created the Masters in secret, and the Masters created other Legendaries through Genetics (Birth). they have no power to create through there great power, Only Destroy. Fortunatly, some can control their terrible power, such as Phoenix here. The exact process as to how I found them has been whiped out from my memory forever, as part of an agreement I made with Phoenix here. And in time, he will erase your memory of him too, if he does not deem you trustworthy. I am quiet certain he will trust you though! I am sure you have many questions and I will answer all I can, but first you must get abord Phoenix. It will take about two hours atleast for even him to get us to Blackthorn City. He is far faster than others, but It is a great distance we are in. So if you please, mount him now so that we may get underway." *Phoenix gently lands on the ground and crouches down so that the wounded Zhono and Carolinn may get on his back.* "Also, you may want to return your Sapphire before we depart. After that, we will be off and you may ask me all you like."
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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #72 on: August 29, 2011, 09:56:27 PM »
[[I already returned her earlier, bu I'll do it again to keep things making sense]]
Zhono nods "Sure" he returns Sapphire and boh him and Carolinn walk to the Phoenix. WHile Carolinn hops on, ono turns back to the strange unknown Pokemon and looks at her. "Hold on a sec..." Zhono walks over to the Pokemon and crouches down to her level. "Hello, little one. Would you care to come along with us?" He said softly to the Pokemon, smiling.

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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #73 on: August 29, 2011, 10:11:34 PM »
[Sorry, I forgot! Wow Im on a failure roll today!]
"Well, We have little time to waste and I dare not let this one get away. Best to take it along with us. Phoenix, would you please?" *Phoenix quickly scoops up zhono in one of his mighty wings and places him on his back. He then carefully picks up the Strange Pokemon in his Talons, being sure not to harm it.* "Thank you Phoenix, shall we go now?" *Without a reaction or a sound, Phoenix flaps his great wings and takes off into the air. A few thrust is all it takes to send us off into the night time sky, far above the clouds, and off in the direction of Blackthorn. We move at uncomprehendable speeds, but it is no more than a breeze to the passengers. I then turn to the wounded Zhono.* "We'll make it in record time, dont you worry. Everything will be just fine my friend. Now, What questions stir amongst your head, I sense many."
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Re: A Wild Pokemon Appears!
« Reply #74 on: August 29, 2011, 10:17:52 PM »
Zhono tries to think of a question... "Hmm... well, I guess  my first question would be to ask how long you have been a trainer?"


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