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Author Topic: Artistic tips?  (Read 1373 times)

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Artistic tips?
« on: July 03, 2011, 07:37:37 PM »
I eed to improve my drawing ability, its not bad, but it needs to be better, my main problem is that i need to improve hair styles, i can not to save my life draw layered hair, i need tips on how to draw better hair, like the hair of joshua in the ds game The World Ends With You, i like his hair to be on my drawings but i cant get it anywhere near right
thank you
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Re: Artistic tips?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2011, 08:44:32 PM »
Practice EVERY DAY, no exceptions just draw somthing
and hair is just spikes usualy, and Joshua's hair is just few curvey lines,
believe me, the more you draw, the better you'll understand these kinda things
and that's the best advice I can give to anyone, being an ameteur artist myself.

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Re: Artistic tips?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 12:34:48 AM »
I am actually an art mentor for middle school kids at a non-profit organization, but I think the best tip I can give would be to practice from realism.
If you get a good grasp on drawing and understanding realism, drawing stylistically will be a cake-walk.
The mistake that most starting artists make is drawing from anime or cartoons first without understanding the basics. They copy a drawing that is already stylized, so when they try to draw something else it turns out in the style of someone else and they have no control over making the drawing look the way they want, and they learn bad habits that are hard to get rid of when they try to draw seriously or in their own way.
If you learn realism before anything, then you will know how a figure is SUPPOSED to look, so when you want to draw stylistically you will have a better understanding on how you can change or manipulate a figure to look exactly the way you want it to look.
Hair can be hard to draw, but looking up pictures from style magazines or websites and drawing the hair from the pictures should help you. Drawing from life is the best though, since you can see all the dimensions of your subject with your own eyes, rather than from a 2D still picture.
And if you want to draw anthros, then it's good to draw both humans and animals realistically first and learn how their anatomy works so that you can know how to combine them in the right way to bring more life to your anthro drawings.
I know that sounds like a tall order, but at my work we are always trying to get the kids to break the bad habits they learned from anime and cartoons, so it's best to have a good solid foundation if you want to be drawing a lot.
Here is a great tutorial I found on drawing anthros.
I hope that helps.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 12:39:01 AM by Valexi »


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