"You know, that could have been a real convincing argument to avoid Valkyr in the first place." Chrono then kept quiet as he listened to Scar's explanatory monologue. When the good scientist finished, Chrono looked everywhere but where the doctor was standing, then finally looked him in the eyes. "Now to be honest, working with Russians on an originally red-white-and-blue project sounds like something is bound to go wrong. Why can't England, France, or even Germany be involved?" Chrono faced Scar, and tried to avoid using vulgar language even though he partially thought it was justified."Also what I would like to know, is why Valkyr has such random effects along with the crippling nightmares. I mean, I didn't get affected, she apparently has super strength now... and some of the humans are now covered in fur. I'm going as far as to bet that the Valkyr causes nightmares, and everything else is the side-effect."