A young red wolf/squirrel hybrid lies on the ground in the nearby city park. He appears unconsious... but wait! He's waking up... The wolf yawns and rubs the back of his head. "Ugh, how long have I been out?" He look around at his surroundings. "Hmm... it looks like I'm in that Kadilianse realm again... But, I wasn't even headed for Rome... Why did I land here?" He looks to his shoulder. "Maybe you have some idea, Peko?"
A small blue doormouse appears out of the wolf's fur. "Chu?" the mouse squeaks, just as confused as the wolf is. "Right... your not exactly a magic expert..." The wolf looks around. Around him was the standard city park stuff; benches, fountians, playground equipment, trees... In fact, one in particular caught his eye. It was a rather large tree, one with many claw marks on the bark and a large branch toward the top that looked as if someone had been sitting on it in the past. It all looked strangely familiar to him before...
"Hey... isn't this where we first met-" a large rhino wth a really loud boom box walks by blasting rap music, obscuring the next few words. "-you know who I'm talking about, right Peko?" Peko nods "Chu chuchu." "Right... what am I saying? Of course you remember him..." Zhono's stomach rumbles. "Hmmm... well, as long as we're here... how about we go to the ice cream parlor like we did last time, Peko?" "Chu! Chu!" the mouse squeaks happily, hopping up and down and doing backflips."Okay! Okay." the wolf said happily, petting the overjoyed mouse. "Now, which way was that ice cream shop..." He sighs "Ugh, why can't I remember...? Well! We might as well look around 'till we find it! After all, I have yet to see the entirety of this town yet, and it shouldn't be hard for the great Zhono C Veranhaut to find that ice cream shop, especially since I've been here before." With a sense of adventure and a yearning to explore, Zhono proudly walks out of the park... in the opposite direction. It also just happens to be the direction in which the aformentioned Salem is located. Zhono doesn't know this yet, of course.