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Author Topic: Valery91Thunder  (Read 1200 times)

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Offline Ebesu

  • Avid Aardvark
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  • awards This user has been a forum member for over 10 years
  • Posts: 25
  • Gender: Male
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  • Species: Shapeshifting wolf
  • Coloring: ocher for the main color crimsom pink for the hair, light grey muzzle, underbelly, lower legs+paws, and the tail tip
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:01:59 PM »
Amazing woman with talent, enough said.  Check her out if you haven't already.  This is the level I want my artwork to get to. 

DA account

FA account
Everyone learns something every day, make sure you spread that knowledge.

I am merely just a wolf playing the role of a human, (wolf therian as well)

Don't forget to check out my art.  I'm leaving a link in my profile.  :)

My YouTube account I rant and commentate.

Wii FC codes SSBB (3007-7844-7434)  TvC (4942-4274-2990)  I'm much better with SSBB but I welcome either game.  :P


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