Yet another dragon to bolster the ranks, heheh.
As far as who I am, I'm a hobbysit writer, aged sixteen, in the Netherlands. My main interests are ofcourse writing, and also music and gaming. As far as writing goes, it's mainly TF and the occasional semi-depressed poetry. Music wise, it's all about post-rock or forms of electro. My favourite song ever, would have to be 'Mogway - Rano Pano', especially with the video clip. And for my gaming, it's a whole array of indie games to shooters to RPG's. My favourite games would be Fallout: New Vegas (with mods), Hidden, Killing Floor and Terraria. I also do snowboarding and longboarding, depending on the season, and I occasionally do treks.
As far as my persona goes? Valen Stoneshard, the moody blue-skinned dragon.