I know technically foxes don't fall under Canine but I think this could just be a general "canine" like thread .
Actually, foxes fall perfectly in as canines. The name 'Vulpine' is quite incorrect as I understand it; While the genus of
MOST foxes is 'Vulpes' and not 'Canis' like the majority of canines,
ALL canines still fall under the family name: 'Canidae', sub family 'Caninae'. It's not before one step after the subfamily they are split into different genuses.
For a fact, not all Foxes fall under the genus 'Vulpes'; The arctic fox is classed under it's own genus: 'Alopex'. Another example is the Fennec, which some years ago was changed from the 'Fennecus' genus to 'Vulpes'.
And for myself, I'm not exactly fully hybrid, but I suppose I could jump in as well cause of being a mix between 2 different breeds of foxes