For me if this were to happen then I'm out; for good. I'm a rebel of society and a nonconformist. Almost everything everyone else considers cool is what I consider uninteresting. For example: Everyone in my school has school spirit except me and a majority of my friends (I can actually sleep through noisy pep assemblies and have done it three times in my whole high school career
), I find everyone into some type of sport except me, I have never been peer pressured into anything (except buying Halo 3 because my friends wanted me on), I hang out with four other furries/scalies on a regular basis and have almost been expelled for being one (On Furry Pride Day), and I DO NOT like Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. I am also not a Brony because that show isn't badass enough for my tastes.
Being a Furry is one trait of mine that made me, well, me... I'd drop out not because I'm a hipster and think that it's too mainstream; but because I lose a part of myself that I can never get back. I really hope that this doesn't become mainstream. A lot of my uniqueness comes from the whole furry lifestyle. I love to stand out of the crowd and to be the one who's not afraid to voice his own actions. I want to express myself like the few that came before me, not because I want to inspire others to do so, but as a mode of expression for a guy who is always oppressed everytime he comes home, has no one to trust in that lives with him, and is suffering from depression due to many external factors that have occurred in my lifetime. Everytime I get home from school I feel sad that nobody gets me. I want to be free! I want to stand out and find a sense of great belonging to a few who I can really trust. If given the choice of a thousand friends that can only be taken at face value or a choice of five lifelong friend that will stand by you in every single step of life then damnit, my choice is clear: Five Friends, one's who will truly care about you like they were your own family; a wolfpack; a flock; squadron; etc.
I'd be broken if this ever becomes mainstream. When I became a Furry I never felt so alive. I was always having my dreams crushed by fear, fate, and just damn luck. My uniqueness is the one thing I still hold on to and a central aspect of that is my Furry Fandom. There's a lot of things in my life I wish I could fix, but somehow I felt like I was cheated. I don't blame anything but luck. I used to want to be a fighter pilot; then I found out I was colorblind. I wanted to be a soldier at the age of 15 (In the Philippines it was a mandatory thing for all HS students) and continue on as Special Forces, denied. I wanted go to America; then I found out that this place wasn't what I expected it to be. Two divorces, some child abuse, and a fair dash of alienation later it seems as though every dream I ever want to be is just gonna get crushed in the long run except writing and being a Furry. If I ever lost either of those dreams then I'm screwed. I'd burn my Buizel suit and have to rewrite and/or delete all my writings. I'd be lost, confused, and feel just as helpless as I did during my childhood.
...But life goes on, and I have to live with it...