"Suit, you said the radio is blasted!"
"I saw it wither--and die with--my own resistors."
"I guess you're blasted... and to think I trusted a schizophrenic suit," she muttered and switched her radio to transmit.
"I am captain Kreuz speaking to unidentified user, whoever you are, this is a serious emergency. Please state your desired ID and position, over."
Lumi turned towards newly met purple haired stranger who she presumed was a typical gray wolf.
"From a deer, yes? Okay." Deers only lived on Earth, and they're supposed to be extinct and never sapient. Air is non-toxic, microbes are harmless... it could be Earth, but where's all the snow? she pondered.
"A dock would be great. What's your name then?" Lumi said while she looked at her wrist, but her electronic navigator, including the compass, wasn't working at all. She looked at the sky, but it was too bright to see the stars. She looked in the direction of the suns but found only one instead of two. Not Earth for sure! Utterly bewildered and despite odd looks from the stranger she took out her toolblade and detached one of the magnetic parts shaped like a needle, quickly used a piece of incredibly thin and elastic wire from the navigator to hang the needle by it's center of mass. That looks neat, they should show it on the trainings, she thought. However, the needle, instead of jumping between six positions at regular intervals, like it should do on Earth or any populated planet for that matter, just turned itself in one direction. She tried turning the string a bit and destabilizing the needle, but with identical result. With trembling hands she assembled the toolblade together and switched her radio to transmit again.
"Kreuz speaking to unidentified user, please state my position too, over."
She turned towards the stranger and said, "Where the heck is south?"