"Kamsa Hamnida," Lumi said to Hunter as she bowed slightly.
"Suit, can you purify and magically replicate the water as you drink it?"
"It will be necessa--ry, as there's not enough--of it."
Lumi crouched and lowered her hand into the tub.
"Okay. Suit, drink and open, we'll go when you're full," she whispered.
"Yes, my lady. Please be--careful."
Thick plating moved aside from the suit's back, revealing a perfectly smooth and incredibly black surface underneath. Something from the inside started to strech it like it was made of rubber. It broke in several places, revealing Lumi stepping out of the massive 6' armor. She was just a small 4'7" white tigress dressed in black and yellow pants and jacket, underneath which there was a white shirt. She was wearing gloves and boots the same as the hands and feet of the suit, just smaller. The rips in the black rubbery skin fused to form a smooth surface again as she walked to the suit's front.
"Suit... or whoever you are now, you weren't build capable to feel, fear or hurt, were you? But you did?"
"I was made only with the will to survive--and to serve... will is a funda--mental force--here. I never inten--ded to... gain soul."
"Then remove memory of the pain she caused, I don't want you to recall that," Lumi said regarding Roxy's eye-spell, "and... that's my last order."
"These--words worry me, my lady."
"You are a sentient being. You are free. I am no longer your user nor master and you're no longer my tool nor slave. You don't have to follow my orders. Do you understand?" Lumi said, but there was no reply.
"Oh gods, I hope I didn't crash you or something... hello?"