A figure dressed like Lorkin walked across the street in Hazelwood, about a hundred meters in front of Hunter, stood in the middle for several seconds as it drank some kind of a potion and then disappeared in a dark alley, laughing deeply.
*I looks at the metalick scary figure* are there others here?
"General Hunter is in Hazelwood. You are to be kept safe, not socialize. Prepare yourself to move out immediately." Grace walked out and closed the door. "Kim is fit to travel. This location is secure. Walls are complete, we have full local support and weapon production is optimal," she reported.
"Then we go meet up with the rest. Our new friend here will come with us," Lumi said.
Shashoh's ears twitched.
"Wrong voice?" he said and laughed. "Interesting claim about creatures that can make you think a tree is talking to you in your own voice," he added. "But I haven't seen it yet... you did. We'll talk later about that. Now, Karn," he turned to the dingo, "yes, a new recruit. There's quite a lot recently, I admire your eagerness to welcome them all, but remember, the less everyone of you knows, the better for you. Walls are not a problem, I ordered to make tunnels before the walls were fully erected. Take this and show it to every other commander," he said, giving several papyrus-covered glass cylinders to Karn. "You can just break it to destroy the map, vials are full of vinegar. Don't let the enemy see it. Other orders are as previously stated--strike when I strike the dragon.
It will come soon."