Grace finally arrived at her destination--Tinsbury. Previously a small village grew significantly. Walls were being built, forges were far better. But it was not enough. She walked down the main street, dragging the block of ice behind her, until she reached the town hall. She stopped for a thought.
Warning: Cannot provide advanced technology to non-Union personnel.
Invalidating: Emergency: Crucial to survival of Union officer.
She went in. The head of the council, an old goat, eyed the block of ice with sadness and horror, but couldn't say a word.
"Admiral Lumi Kreuz needs help."
"Did... are you the dragon of Hazelwood?" the councillor finally said, just like he didn't hear her.
"I just neutralized a... dragon in Hazelwood. Admiral fell his victim."
The goat took off his hat.
"Inform guards to kill any visitors from Hazelwood on identification. Preferably any coming from its direction. There is..."
Information leak unfavorable. Engage censorship protocol.
"...a dangerous epidemic. Without visible symptoms up to the moment of painful death. Spreads fast. Gather all farmers, builders, smiths, alchemists, miners, philosophers and traders. Everyone. They need to hear what I have to say. Gather all troops and prepare to assault your previous lord's keep. We need more facilities. Send messengers to every other settlement in vincinity except Hazelwood. Tinsbury will buy every mineral they will sell and employ every soul," Grace continued.
"The town is v'ry grateful to the Lawful Lady, but... we may have more soldiers, the lord has a keep, we'd suffer big losses--"
"They will be only for show. I will personally request and obtain lord's unconditional surrender or his head," she cut him off.
"And we can't buy ev'rything 'n employ ev'ryone... how is Tinsbury going to pay for this?"
Grace's monolithic head suddenly divided into a separate jaw, which despite being apparently a thick solid piece of steel bent, making her look like she's smiling.
"In checknotes.
And in the upcoming hours I will give you more than you ever had.
In knowledge."