*Suddenly, the silver cross necklace on Wolf's neck begins glowing red hot. A faint white glowing emitted throught him. Then the magic that had entered his body was suddenly expelled, with great force. The blue flame flew out from the symbol on his chest and exploded into Roxy Wolf, knocking her to the ground. Its effects then wrapped themselves around her as she fealt exxcess healing magic in her system. The smybol dissapeared from Wolf's chest and the wounds reopened, releasing even more blood onto the ground. Still semi-concious, he grips his chest and the necklace and screams an unholy, unearthly scream that echoed throught the forrest. after about 30 seconds or so his screaming slowed to a wimper as he covered his face. His necklace cooled back to its normal form. various noices can be heard throught the forrest as creatures, startedled and frightened, crash about.*