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Author Topic: i loves him  (Read 390 times)

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Offline arandomfurry

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i loves him
« on: November 14, 2011, 06:58:45 PM »
ok well i feel a little weird just randomly posting this but here goes:
ok so ive been with my bf for 6 months now and im wondering if its actually a good thing or if hes using me. you see hes not really into our relationship, he seems to enjoy hanging out with his friends more than me. he says he loves me sometimes, but not much and usually its after i tell him i loves him. alot of times he acts like he couldnt care less if i was there or not... then very rarely theres times he acts like he's really glad to have me and he loves me... I dont know if he really cares about me and is afraid or too shy to show his true feelings or if he's just using me to say he has a gf...
one other thing im afraid of is if he's going to dump me after christmas. you see, a few months ago we almost broke up because of something stupid i did and i asked him for a second chance. during the time he was taking to think things over he found out what i was planning to get him for christmas and now i dont know if he's only staying with me til he gets the gift or not... i love him alot and i dont wanna lose him, i just dont know how he feels about us.
thank you for listening and all advice will be appreciated

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Re: i loves him
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 07:16:47 PM »
I was in a similar sounding relationship one, it didnt end well.  He then convinced me he'd changed, that didnt end very nicely either "/...
Not all of them are the same though..  Some relationships it seems like someone doesnt love you, when really they do, they just dont know how to express it.  Sometimes, it seems like someone loves you with all their heart, and it turns out they were lying...  Its hard to tell whose telling the truth and whose lying... :(...  Wish it was simpler!
If he dumps you just after Christmas you have EVERY right to tell him that you want the Christmas present back and that you thought he was going to dump you because he was only wanting it!  If he dumps you, take it back to the store and get the money back!
I really hope it works out for you m'darling, but if not, we're all always here :3...
Have you tried talking to him about how you feel?
Just a cute lil kitty completely in love, but lacking any true friends :3 x

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Re: i loves him
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2011, 08:20:09 PM »
Well, if he's acting like that, I'd say that he doesn't really want a relationship...

But I'm always for talking things out, so sit him down and ask everything you just said here to him. If he cracks under the pressure and decides to end it... Well, then he's shown his true colors. But if he's willing to try and make things better then go for it!

Let him know that it's not all about what HE wants, and if the relationship isn't mutually beneficial, then its better for you to go (And it's true! Don't fill your life with toxic relationships; there's more than enough drama in the world, so if you can save yourself some, then that's good.)

As for the Christmas thing... Get him one, but don't give it to him on Christmas, see how that goes. If he's in it for the real relationship, then give it to him for New Years and say that you had it all along, but you wanted it to be a surprise.

(Sorry if it seems harsh, but I've been around the block so to say too many times, and I don't wanna see anyone else hurt like I have. I'll be here if you need it (Hugs) )

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Re: i loves him
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2011, 09:48:54 AM »
hmm.. this is a tricky one indeed... I woudn't trust him fully, and thats only because he acts the way of a cheater, there's a bigg chance he's after the present only, but as he acts he's not worth you'r time, I would have tossed him, and se how he reacts...

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Re: i loves him
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2011, 11:54:17 AM »
no problem, hope it works out ^_^

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