I don't know if I should have made this a separate topic or not, but...
I just found out that Anshe's cuddle poses stopped working because they were made restricted. (I was a little late in finding out.) I think this is just ridiculous, because they were in no way obscene, and now Anshe is in deep for it because everyone thinks Anshe is responsible for it. :twitch: I feel bad because she/Anshe Chung Studios actually makes worthwhile meshes and stuff, and she/they doesnt deserve to have this brought down on her/them.
But I mean, my biggest issue with Anshe's poses being restricted is, IMVU makes it possible for even non-AP users to still do basic kisses and stuff, so how is merely hugging (albeit in a romantic way) any worse than kissing?
It's just not right... :no: IMVU's going overboard. Next they'll be restricting everything but handshakes, just wait.