Leiton looked back at Wolf and yelled, "The only barriers are the ones the shade has placed. We need our Father if we want to save Attu! He's been broken, but his spirit isn't completely destroyed. Not even a shade can destroy a spirit." He leapt up toward the sphere and threw his own darkness at the shade's dark magic, attempting to sweep it away.
--- --- ---
Inside Attu, the sphere of light shatters, spreading light throughout his mind, threatening to cast out any and all darkness. There was an over-whelmingly large amount of something Shadis hadn't been expecting...
The kind that no darkness could dampen.
A massive amount of hope and light followed, throwing all of its force at Shadis, threatening to drive him out. Shattu contorted, doubling over.
--- --- ---
The king continued to walk toward Cassandra. "Yes... give in to your anger... Become my Wrath!"
He looked back over at Rasui. "And you. My Pride."
At Attu, "My Sloth."
At Vi, "My Lust."
At Cami, "My Gluttony."
He pointed to his heart. "Wolf, My Greed. And Leiton, My Envy."
He laughed, his voice booming out in all directions.