*Upon witnessing all of the events transpiring, All of Shadis's memories snapped back into his concious. With one quick motion, he screamed* "NO!!!" *and turned into his shadow form, grabbed Cassandra and the others, and began to run towards the door. He was, however, stopped midway through the run. Smileing wickedly, The Bloodied held a paw out towards Shadis, flexing and moving his fingers as if controlling a puppet.* "Ro te ka velda, My old foe. How long it's been. You led these fools to my release? Ro ke nien! Have you truely forgotten all you have done here, 5,000 years ago?" *Shadis was held in the air, screaming. His body twisted and contorted into all sorts of horrifing shapes, his blood escaping his body at multiple points. All of them beyond painful.*