"Medic! Get over here!" Made me think of TF2.
After a moment, Otebon's ears twitched, as he heard the sound of the motorcycle. It was a low hum, Otebon assumed it was a Yamaha - small, light, and fast. Zat growled. "Dammit, Katy. Why couldn't you just stay behind? It would have been easier." Otebon shook his head, fearing that a internal conflict was already brewing without it's cause even being there. For now at least.
Marcus, looked behind him, ears only just hearing the sound of the Yamaha. "Where did she find such a nice bike in that sh-- hole?" He said. Zat just looked at him, then turned away. With the sound of an extremely large and mechanical hummingbird, Yekaterina caught up to them. She flicked up her visor, and with a smile, said "Oh, Zat. I thought I was too precious to you." Her face flicked to a frown. "You won't leave me behind again." And so the leash is pulled in, one on a starving wolf ready to maim anything that gets too close.