Master Xing stopped at a door, covered in white fabric and blue studs. No nob looked visible. Danny spoke up.
"You fixed the door? Last time I was here, it was in two..." she mused, pushing it open. A sundeck, chairs and tables set about, stretched before them. Ivy wound up Greek columns. A serving area sat into the wall, no one visible behind it.
Outside, rain pelted the windows. The windows sat on the edge of a steep cliff, overlooking a valley for below. Storm clouds raged around them.
Master Xing smiled at her. "You'd be surprised what these old hands can do when they get bored," he said. He watched the rain, his expression darker, worried almost. "Go ahead and eat. You are free to choose what you want."
Elizabeth walked to the window, smiling. "Quite a storm..." she said. Whispering, she said, "If only I were a part of it..."