((I just barly made the dead line right?))
"this may atracked unwanted atention" he said as he looked at the tail hanging out of a newly cut hole in his old tatherd jeans. "my luck..." he says as he whachs something in the distance. then he remembers that night he the pain started.
the streets are a hard place to live as this vagabond know well. his name was forgoten, when ever he needed a title he went by the word "less" because that's what he had every day. one day he became desperate (or more so atlest) after 3 days with out food he new if he dident get some soon he would have no energy to keep him self alive. he decided to "sneak" in to a house and take what he needed, his target house was a simple one that looked like to owners were well off enough to spare something to who ever could pick a lock, something he had learned to do to get past gates and padlocks. he succeeded in getin to the house the first thing he felt is guilt, the secend was his Stomach quake. he rummaged around the house, knowing that who ever lifed there could return any monent. a computer was spoted in what looked like the master bedroom and a idea cane to him. "if I can get a credit card number off this thing, I'll have an ace up my sleeve next time I'm backed in to a courner" he wisperd to him self unconcussionly as he sat down in the chair.
He had no clue what he was doing and he relised that as soon as the computer booted."um..er...ah" was a common sound. he saw a icon that was labled "Email" so that was hes first (and last) stop. "my luck!" he exclamed as he saw the owner of the coputer was loged in permantly as "ladys_man19275". still uncertan of what to be looking for, he opend ever thing but one to know availe, the common sound shifted from moning to crusing seemlessly. knowing that that chancese of that last email saying, "I've sent you 20 dallors in the mail this morning, but it under your bed with the rest of you money" was vary, vary low. he opend it and seeing it had an attachment opend it with out a seconed though. the attachment truning out to be a sound file, and having no imediate payoff was ignored. but the sound of a key sliding in to the lock was not. with out hesitation sprinted for the open back door.
Later that night (still hungery and desperate) he felt a mild pain in his back. another three days have past seens then and he was seeing the after effects. he walked down the street hearing what could be that last of a sentance "...help the pain" as he turns a courner just in time to get a glimes of a tail go in a door. "my luck" he says as he twiches his pointed ears in intrest. "I think I'll wait abit and go knock on that door"