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Author Topic: Re-Uniting Souls (Graphic Novel)  (Read 1227 times)

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Offline Spirit Hamaski

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  • The Therian Kierrn / Married Wolf
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  • Species: Kierrn ~Werewolf~
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  • Currently: Quite busy with art and loving with her Mate
Re-Uniting Souls (Graphic Novel)
« on: February 09, 2012, 05:23:53 PM »

Chapter 1

            Once peaceful, and now a vast havoc filled terrain. This territory once marked with the birth of the Heir. Mother-Nature. The Garou members, and family. Gaia, the one who controlled earth, came to a decease. Leaving the earth to slowly rot into it's present state. That being, anything you once knew. Now gone. Green grasslands, and waterfalls? No. They've turned into torched-sandy plains and caves with pits (that once held water) just before them. Most unnatural beings called those caves home. The chaotic re-arrangment killed off the rest of the Garou family. Spirit, The second eldest Lunar Lupin, and Skye, the youngest of all the sisters. Any other extended family slowly wore off, until there was nothing. No one to control or balance light and darkness. Clearly, with the end of the Royal Goddess Bloodline meant that the light was now temporarily extinguished. Darkness over-powered the light, and any creature of the peaceful nature ran away and hid. Most travelled the long ways to a certain land that was said to still hold peace and love. That, being the three sisters birthplace. Gaia, the eldest. Spirit, second-in-command. Lastly, Skye, the youngest of them all. Moon, Sun and Earth. All wrapped up into one single under-ground passageway. Story tells it that Mother Garou, had made herself an underground nest since her Mate had tried to kill her. Right above that nest, was an open meadow. Filled with green grass and flowers. Giant trees that could be rounded to about 50 ft high. That land was rich with life, and more importantly. Light. Darkness may have taken over every last inch of the earth. But that one piece, still managed to fight off any dark creature that tried to enter. Only a being that is pure, with light, may enter.
      Born years ago, were two pups. Two completely different families, fur and personalities. They were opposites. One, a beauty. Pure-white wrapped around a lean body, and amazingly ice-blue eyes to gaze into and get lost in. The other, the complete opposite. Sure, she was beautiful. But not in the same way the other was. A deep smokey-gray marred her ribcage, and followed throughout the rest of her body. The two, only had one thing in common. The fact that they shared the same hue of eyes.. It looked more unnatural on the darker pup, making her seem more ghostly and frightening.
       Personality wise, the pup known as Jaci was instinctively an Alpha. She held elegance that made most animals bow at her feet. Most adored her, because of her dreams and wishes. She was faithful, and loving. Determined to live an average life rather than to follow her soul. Her soul that had attached itself to this pup at it's birth. That soul, was the old soul of the Garou Sister, Spirit. The lunar goddess. Instead of following her will, to save the earth and regain her status as a goddess, she found herself a mate and soon became a Mother.
   Artison, the smokey coloured pooch, was different. She was stubborn, and often wandered to places she really shouldn't have. She'd seen murders by the monstrous beasts that intended to kill anything living other than itself and it's own breed. That monstrous breed having black or brown scales and spikey tails. It's ears were long, and they walked like ferals even though they could stand on their hind legs. Their eyes blood red, with no pupil at all. Each and every fang were them same size, rather then four being bigger than the other. It was physically impossible for this creature to close it's mouth. It's long, and sharp teeth always bared. They did not have a name, so most called them Evokea even though they were the Darkness' Warriors. Pledging themselves to the Darkness and doing all of it's bidding.
   At such a young age, Artison shouldn't have seen that creature kill. But she had, and instead of following her destiny too, she found herself running away from her beloved family minutes before an Evokea attacked. That family was massacred, and she found herself having to defend off other Dark creatures to save herself. Thankfully, she'd never come in contact with an Evokea even though an elder had spent a night in her cavern while travelling to this so called 'Peaceful land.' Artison was rarely nice, but this old wolf spoke of a way to kill an Evokea. With a nights stay, he awoke and shared with her the secret. Attacking the heart, would kill it instantly. The skin covering the heart was so thin, that fangs could slice right through that barrier. If you clamped onto the heart, and squeezed. The creature would die almost instantly. The hard part was, getting to it's heart. That, was nearly impossible. Especially with those giant incisors ready to get ahold of you. That little bit of information gave her even more of a determination. She ignored her will too, and plotted revenge on those hideous creatures. She cared for no one other than herself, because she was her only friend. Her soul begged her to return to her home, but she ignored it with her stubborn attitude. Her old soul was the youngest sister, Skye.. And Skye did not want to return to her homeland. She was better off here, as a warrior.
   Spirit kept staring at Her sister Skye's eyes. "I can feel more connect to you and You are my sister as I know...I was wrong about this time. You still alive and made it through to find me?" She murmured in gentle melody. Her fur was shimming while Moon rosed so high above their head as both of them walking around as chatted about Their life and Her life gotten better than to be Goddess. "I have 4 pup right now and They stay with Hexi in the Den, I would glad you come to visit them as sometime as you could, Sister" She barked in happily as her tail wags in gentle. Her muzzle nuzzled against Skye's Neck as happy to found her.
   She was grimy looking around This landscape before She leave. "This land will be Rebirth when we have time to create them soon, we have to" Her eyes look at Skye's eyes, "I know we can do it, We are not Weakness creature on this Place." They choice a place to sat down as look overall to figure out HOW to save this."
   Artison was hunting. Her eyes taking in the dark landscape. She moved quickly, making sure that nothing could catch her off guard. She wasn't ready for another attack today, and the fact that she had been caught of guard made her even more paranoid. Her face scrunched up, as an unfamiliar scent hit her. It was pleasant, and pure. That made it even more disgusting than any dark creature hiding in these woods. Her mane fell over her ice-filled eyes. Her pupils slimming into slits as she searched for the owner of the aroma. No! Not an aroma. A god-awful smell! She blinked, and continued forward. Slower than usual, each paw making no sound at all. She was careful, but not overly careful. She knew this land better than anyone. She could get to one end to another within one moon and one sun. (A day.)
   Her head darted toward the sound, and her eyes picked up the figure. Her back was turned to her, and it was clear that she was in no harm of this creature. No, not a creature. She advanced, trying to catch a better view of this white pelted thing. No. Not a thing, a Lupin. She could see it easily now, and she moved away. She would not harm her own kind. The shock of seeing her own breed made her clumsy, and she backed into a dirty shrub that tangled itself into her fur. She growled, and that's when the shewolf turned and looked at her. Her eyes making eye contact with her instantly, and the surge of... it felt like lightning. But it was a good, electrical feel. Her maw dropped, and her vision went white. She could see nothing, but she could still feel. She could feel her body drop and hit the floor. She hated this feeling, but enjoyed it so much. The only part she did not like was feeling free. She couldn't see any intruder, which made her so much more vulnerable than a pup. Atleast a pup could see!
   The white that filled her vision cleared, and whilist doing so. She caught sight of a silver string. Wait, no. It wasn't actually there. It was just there if she thought, and remained in her head rather than fixing into her outside sense. Of course, after being blinded, she went to her eyesight first. Letting everything comeback with her. Skye, the old soul that was attached to her was now awakened, and attached to one end of that string. She blinked it away, and noticed the White shewolf closer to her. Her eyes staring at her. She came closer, but Skye told  Arty not to move. The first thing she had noticed before, not came back to her in a flooding of memory. She had the same eyes as her. She stared at them, but they were flawless. Identical. They were hers, and hers were this Shewolf's. She growled, and backed away. But a voice called a no. It was Skye again. Arty finally let down her walls, and let Skye fly into her head. What. She spoke to herself, mentally. Skye didn't speak. She only sent Arty an image. An image of this wolf, being her sister Spirit. She blinked it away, and everything was pretty much the same about what she saw here, and in that image. She felt Skye push her, and she gave in. And moved closer. They were bound, by this silver string.

Post Merge: February 09, 2012, 05:32:26 PM

Now that Artison was more.. well, awake. She could sense another being within her head. Except she couldn't read it until it spoke. It must have seen the image Skye gave it, but it's words were the same. Words that Arty did not want to believe. "I can feel the connection. You are my sister, and I know it." The words caught her attention, and she stared. Immobile, and not replying. Her sister began forward, and she felt the string pull her along. As if wherever this Lupin went, she must follow. She caught up to her, both moving as Dire's. "Your still alive, and made it throught. You found me." I nodded, even though I wasn't sure if it was really me who she was speaking to. I could tell, that she was speaking to skye. And skye urged me to say yes, and so I did. "Yes, I found you." Those were both mine and Skye's words.
        Spirit, who was once known as Jaci, went on about life. And I made sure I avoided sharing mine. Even though I knew she could look through my head due to this bond thing, and read me clearly. I put my walls up, like I had with Skye. Hoping that would help stop Spirit from reading her past. As spirit went on, she felt a little excitement arouse in her. Pups? If she could, I bet she would purr. She felt that draw, and realized that it wasn't really her feelings. It was spirit's. Spirit loved her pups, and her Mate. She could feel it, and couldn't deny a single bit of it. It was all so.. well. Real. The touch of Spirit's nuzzle, made her all warm and fuzzy. Her eyes closed, and she exhaled a breath. The denial stage was done with, and now she was accepting this. Accepting Spirit as a sibling. A sibling, that she could possibly care for.
          That stopped her in her tracks. Whether it was read in her mind or not, she didn't want this. Her family was killed, and now she was given this? Spirit went on, and invited her to stay. But Artison couldn't reply. Mentally or verbally. (through barks and woofs, of course.) She wasn't some pet, she was a fighter. She was strong, and yet. This explosion of love, made her want it. Like a drug, that she was addicted to. She wanted to be loved, but really. How could she all of a sudden be brought into someone's life? The change of topic was far from what they were just dicussing. Re-birthing the world, and saving it from what it was. That was not what her original goal was, but it could help. Her response was strong, and held hints of determination. "Aslong as I can kill those filthy beasts, than I will help you save earth." Her mind flooded again, with the perfect image of serenity. How could this.. All thise wasteland, turn back into that? Such a beautiful empire of forest and flowers. She blinked it away, and wasn't sure who had sent her that picture. Skye, or Spirit. There was no movement in the back of her head. So, it must have been spirit. "And as for staying with you..." Her voice faltered. "I will, for a little while."
     "That is her?, Spirit" Jaci whispered to her mind as her head nods. Spirit decided took Artison with her to her den and showed most of Her kins and Hexi... "I hope You could accept my invite to stay my place, Artison" Her eyes locked at Artison's eyes. As She decided hugs Artison with her warm fuzzy feeling around Her... "I know everyone didn't noticed you for long time..why they choose Me and Other to more attentions than you... I just wish that all be fair. Artison, I was wrong about you. I know somewhere I can feeling the Connects still around as it wont end us Sister" She barked at her with her warm melody around her. Her breathing Shimming around Her den turn to crystal and keep Moonlight touch them to lit again as dim. "Come in, You are welcome to here."She smiled at her as Artison decided to walk slowly.
       Inside of the Cave with Crystal hang up on the ceiling and few end of the Cave to shimmied for us than dark. her 4 kins ran and glomp on her and growls in playful as She do back to her kins. Then gave Fresh Meats to kins for their dinner and Let Artison meet Hexi. "hey honey, That my Lost-Found Sister and I was talking about and you remember that?" She barked in wondering then look at Artison again, "dont be afraid, I wont left you behind."
        Jaci pushed more more to asked Artison about Skye. " are Skye okay and live inside of her, Spirit?" Jaci pondered about it, "Hey Spirit You can talks her more about happen this Land When someone leaves or died because I want to know...That long time for me gone to find my own Journey. Please and I want this land shall Rebirth." Spirit closed her eyes as murmurs to herself, "I shall do for this time and This will become our Home and dont lost most creature as we need for god fernis" Jaci pulled her own paws to pray and chatted in Garou language for her own passions.
         Spirit pondered about Artison's scars and marrc Ribcage as wanted touch her furs as her own sister. "Are you will tell me about your own life while all of us divide and any hurts you also no one care about you?". It made Her whimpers with few tears running down her furcheek. "I know, I was gone for long time and no one come back for you. Im here right now and Live here for reason. Where I want to be. You still ALIVE and I know You need me to help to save this earth with your powers and Mine." Her paw cupped Artison to study her scars on face, pet her so gentle as whisper into her ear "Don't worries about Past, Past shall be belong to PAST....Now your life of Present is Right now and future shall be fix and harmony land for us to running as Old time..are you remember about me in past?" Her kins curled around her tummy and churrs in happily as tired pups. "You know that you are their aunt and one of my pup look almost same as you but it is boy and i dont know name to call him yet and I want you call him for me, Artison?" she yipped in gentle and quiets as dont want woke her pups up in Middle of Late night As let Artison curled nearby Her and her kins.
The conversation was filled with questions as the two walked back to Spirit's cave. Artison trailed behind, following on all four paws. Padding through burnt ferns and mucky mudds. Her fur was tangled, and yet she couldn't tell. She was so use to that feeling. It had been a long time since she'd felt her mother's gentle grooming. A sigh errupted from her throat, but it came out more of a grumble.
When they reached Spirit's cave, it reminded her much of other caves. There was nothing special about it, it looked just like the rest of them in this area. Maybe someone would even think it was unoccupied. She mentally shrugged off her questions, and nodded to Spirit's invitation. Accepting it, but knowing well enough that her stay would not be for a long period of time. Sisters or not, Artison had a goal.
Artison entered the cave, tailing Spirit but at her own pace. She took in the surroundings. The rock walls, and high cieling. The moss that ran across the edges of water, proving that this had once been a waterfall due to the damp coat that sat upon the walls closest to the entrance. Farther inside, Artison watched four excited pups jump on Spirit. Spirit equally excited, and returning the lapse of excitement. Arty watched, fascinated by the reactions she was seeing. Spirit's feelings seemed to surge through their connection. She felt the love course through her, and that made her feel lightheaded. Maybe she didn't like this whole connection fiasco after all.
After the greetings, the pups fell asleep due to the Moon being higher in the sky. It was clearly late, and Arty could even feel exhaustion fall over her too. She layed on her side, head on the ground. Her tail wrapped around her body and her hind legs pulled up and forward in a fetal position. Her eyes remained open, and she face Spirit who was in a position too that made her body snuggle into her pups. Spirit went on, and Artison listened. Eyes slowly closing at times due to the 24/7 running she'd experienced regularly. Spirit's voice kept her awake, not allowing her to sleep. She couldn't sleep, due to the mental sing-song voice going on in her head. She watched Spirit, intent on nothing at all. One thing did catch her attention, to the point where her eyes fluttered open and her ears jolted errect. Looking at the sleeping pup now, she could see her features. The long, silky, smokey-gray fur. Long tail (Because Artison's tail was longer than usual.) and eyelashes. (Especially for a boy.) The only thing they did not share, were her scars. Her scars were hers, and she found herself not wanting this pup to have any scars at all. Was that what she looked like before? Before the encounter with the all the darkness. Thinking of a name, was usually rather difficult but a name instantly fluttered into her mind; Draycott. The name was unusual, and represented a verocious beast. (A dragon, Draco.) She was vicious, and she pictured this young male pup with the name, and it made her maw turn up into a smile. She liked it, and so she spoke it out loud. "Call him, Draycott." She paused, having trouble trying to explain the reason for his name. Instead, she just said a few words. "It matches him, because he is his Auntie's Nephew." I guess you could say that now, she was accepting her part in this family. It all felt so surreal, and ..weird. How could things happen all of a sudden, and change her life? No. No matter what happens, she still has a goal. She will still kill that monster, no matter what. No matter who stands in her way, she will kill.
Her eyes slowly closed, and she mentally sent Spirit a goodnight. Indicating that she was now going to sleep. She did not want to be disturbed any longer. Especially with such love, and

« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 08:32:13 PM by Spirit Hamaski »
  • Signature art by: ME

~*~The caribou feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong~*~
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Offline Spirit Hamaski

  • Boisterous Bear
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  • Species: Kierrn ~Werewolf~
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  • Currently: Quite busy with art and loving with her Mate
Re: Re-Uniting Souls (Graphic Novel)
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2012, 08:30:40 PM »

Chapter 2

   Next day, Spirit's nose touch her son and whisper to call him as Artison told her to call him Draycott. Her head rosed up and howled in melody Vocal song for her pups gotten cozy to kept their eye lids shut till early morning. "Thank for choose name for him, Arty" Her eyes look at Arty's scar on her face, "Tomorrow, we will go out for hunting as spend time for us to talking about your life since this land destroyed. She licked 4 of Kins to said Good night my little Stars as started grooming their furs to soft fuzzy furs.
   Jaci murmurs and pondering about Skye/Arty,"Are Darkness Beasts will come here to destroy them again, Spirit?" Spirit closed her eyes and started humming sound in gentle as communication with Jaci inside of her, "I wish to know more about this but I'm sure Arty will telling me about What happen to this Land. But dont be worry, Jaci. I will find out more about them and I glad that Arty still alive and still need make her feel more WELCOME to this."As her ears twitches while they in her body to talking during she slept.
   Her kins sprawled over and stretched as woke her up and She got up for seeking Food for them. She noticed Arty left here early but she can get her scent headed out to hunting for her own reason so She was gotten chase up to seeing Arty as their eyes lock to message each other "where you shall go, Arty? We hoped that you will come back again. I shall message to you by Howl communications? just tell me if you like that idea" Her expressed in Pondering to Arty as She crouched down. But Her head rosed up as sniffed fresh rotten scent as Know Dark Beasts around but they will groaned when seeing pure shimmied white furs creature crepted with her growls of melody as her paws touched all dirty ground to sprout Green grass with flower then fade again as each time she was walking.
   Spirit's eyes locked at skinny deer leaped around and She decided to attacked it without gores spilling around on her furs. It's Blood dissolved while blood landed on her furs.As She was Howled to message to her mate "I been found a meats for our kins and us as well..but I trying find other one for all of You and Arty and myself...with right size meals to happy with." Then She look at Arty with pierced ice blue eyes shimmied while Sun Rosed higher to be midday for return to cave to feed kins and mate.
It was silent, and I guess you could say peaceful too. For once in her life, she felt relaxed and at home. She couldn't say that she was completely care-free, because of course she had her alerts on, with sitting in the middle of a forest filled with dark creatures. She felt, that today would be a good day.
   Artison had woke up earlier than the others, and gone a morning stroll. Barely that, because it was really more of a hunt. Except, she hadn't found anything just yet. No catch, and she waited un moving for her radar to go off. No, nothing had caught her attention. She was alone, for now. The wind ruffling her fur, and whistling through the almost barren landscape.
   It hadn't been very long until Spirit's voice broke through the peaceful silent moment she was having with herself. (She had been even more suprised because Skye hadn't bugged her at all today.) The mental voice broke through, and suggested Arty to howl to give 'way her location. Artison thought that wasn't the smartest idea, due to being in a not so safe area. Still, she sent her agreeing "Sure." and raised her rump from her sitting position. Now standing on all fours, she shook off anything that may have fallen or attached itself into her pelt.
With a rumbling of her throat, and a stance that allowed her to raise her head completely into the air, her howl beckoned itself to her lips. She could feel the build up, and then let it go. It echoed in the silence, and it lasted longer than she had intended. Almost as if it bounced off of the air and back to her ears repeatively.
   Artison didn't like when she was brought food, so instead of Spirit killing her meal. She went and found her own prey to eat. Leaving Spirit to find meat for the pups herself... Sticking to the shadows, she remained poised. Her smokey gray colour allowing her to blend into the shadows and trees more easily than others. The cracking of sticks made her ears erect, and listen. She couldn't see who these steps belonged to, but she knew that she was no longer alone. Her eyes squinting to see past areas, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever was out there. Nothing made itself visible. Was she the prey? This thought made her skin crawl and hair raise. She did not like being referred to prey. Just to be careful, she quickly jumped at the nearest tree. Her claws digging into the bark as she pulled herself up the tree. By doing this, yes she had made herself visible. But the good thing was, that would make the 'thing' think it had an opportunity. And if it was infact, an Evokea. Well, they can't climb. So she would have the better advantage with that. She heard the rapid run of steps as soon as she leaped. Each paw pulling herself up quickly, making sure she was in no reach of this creature. Once she was on the lowest branch. (Which was about 20 feet.) she looked down at the animal. It was no evokea, it was a petty bull. Unusual in these lands, but after the deprivation of humans. Bulls had roamed the earth randomly, dying off quickly. A smile reached her maw, as she positioned herself to push herself off the branch right onto this creature. She would help this breed reach extinction.
   She pushed herself off quickly, reaching the bull's back in no time. Her sudden weight made the bull stumble, and that was all she really needed. Her claws dug into the back of the Bull's back as she spun in position. The easiest way to take this thing down would to be crush it's skull. That would be difficult, because her jaws probably wouldn't even succeed in getting half way through those thick heads of theirs.
Instead of the skull, she lunged for the back of the neck. Her teeth sinking in easily into the flesh. The taste of blood filled her mouth, but she kept her hold. Jaw locked, and pushed it teeth deeper, ready to tear a junk out of the back of this bull's neck. It would cause pain, but only make this thing more angry. She did it anyways, finding pleasure in creating pain for this being. The chunk came out easily, and she spat it out of her mouth quickly while dismounting the beast. It turned on her, but she was faster than it and jumped out of the way.
   The bull's horns collided with the tree, sticking in half way. The bull was stuck, strugging incredibly. This made Arty chuckle, watching the bull become frantic. Knowing without it's horns, it's defenseless. Ahwell, she lunged again. For the throat of the beast. Making a very gore-filled mess on the ground beneathe the beast. Continuing to attack over and over again until this stubborn beast fell limp. Aha, it was dead. She tore she beast from it's horns, holding the corpse in her mouth as she padded back to Spirit. It was heavy, but not too heavy for her. She could handle it, and it would make for a delicious meat.
   It was always fun eating rare breeds, especially when their species were dying off. For all she knew, that could of been the last one. And she felt pride from killing it. Ohwell, it was the food-chain. You loose, you die. It was that simple. (WILL EDIT when I add more)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 08:34:07 PM by Spirit Hamaski »
  • Signature art by: ME

~*~The caribou feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong~*~
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