Summary #6
- Lorkin and Kim (■) are in Hazelwood,
- Hunter and Cassandra (■) are in the Temple of Demons,
- Cifero, Aragon (■), Dalavesta, presumably Karn Malden (■), Atticus Grey and Aeron (■) are on their way to the city of Terniar,
- Grace (■) is in Tinsbury,
- The opposing force (■) is in the netherworld after completing the circle.
↓ ■ GRAY TEAM: Atticus Grey [JohnnyP789], Aeron [whitewolf]
↓ ■ GREEN TEAM: ●Dalavesta [Sne], Karn Malden [Cifero]
→ ■ BLUE TEAM: Kastor, Shadis [Wolf 7133], Savel [JohnnyP789], ●Gaara, Roxy [Roxy Wolf], Jinx [the sad guy], Pheobe [Pheobe], Danny [Aldrea945]
↑ ■ PURPLE TEAM: Aragon, Cifero [Cifero]
→ ■ RED TEAM: Hunter [Wolfydan], ●Grace [Sne], ●Kim, ●Lorkin [Roxy Wolf], Cassandra [Kaya]
I'm not sure if I got everything right, especially core red team and what happened with blue team after completing the circle.
is at the Castle, Kim is somewhere outisde HazelwoodHunter
(■)is in the Castle's dungeon, together with Grace[size=78%]([/size][size=78%]
- looting.Cifero, Aragon (
■), Dalavesta, presumably Karn Malden (
■), Atticus Grey and Aeron (
■) are on their way to the city of Terniar, together with Kastor (?)
Shadis is fighting with Lorkin at the Castle
(I dont know of the following, if you would reply to this, ill add them.)
Gaara, Roxy [Roxy Wolf], Jinx [the sad guy], Pheobe [Pheobe], Danny [Aldrea945]
Cassandra is at the Castle (Dont know what she's doin')↓ ■ GRAY TEAM: Atticus Grey [JohnnyP789], Aeron [whitewolf]
●Dalavesta [Sne], Karn Malden [Cifero]
→ ■ BLUE TEAM: Kastor, Shadis [Wolf 7133], Savel [JohnnyP789],
●Gaara, Roxy [Roxy Wolf], Jinx [the sad guy], Pheobe [Pheobe], Danny [Aldrea945]
↑ ■ PURPLE TEAM: Aragon, Cifero [Cifero]
→ ■ RED TEAM: Hunter [Wolfydan],
●Grace [Sne],
●Lorkin [Roxy Wolf], Cassandra [Kaya]
I hope i got everything, i aint
too good as these things ^^'