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Author Topic: Rate The Last Game You Played  (Read 32099 times)

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #270 on: January 08, 2015, 06:30:27 AM »
Bag simulator 2015. I mean, payday 2.  10/10
Ive been playing this game since the beta and i still love it.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #271 on: January 14, 2015, 06:15:11 PM »
Batman: Arkham City. 10/10

Because hellooo... Batman
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #272 on: January 14, 2015, 06:18:10 PM »
Far Cry 3


I like it but sometimes it can be derp
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #273 on: January 16, 2015, 12:00:29 PM »


I kinda regret not picking this up for so long, because it met my expectations in the way that mattered. Not without its flaws, sadly. (spoiler cus big)

Spoiler for Hidden:
It's one of the "action-adventure" beat-em-up type deals in the vein of Devil May Cry, made for the PS3/360 and also made available through the Wii-U release of Bayonetta 2, I believe. On the subject of DMC, Hideki Kamiya was the director for this game as well. For better or for worse, he was also heavily involved with the story, which might explain why it's an incoherent mess held up on stilted one-liners and gratuitous anime-like violence. I know you might've played some of the DMC series, and those had some bare bones elements to them, but at least you could follow what was happening sometimes. Or the characters, despite being gimmicky in their own way, were put into relationships that were actually semi-believable so you could sort of invest yourself in what was happening while their stories played out. DMC 3, for example: Dante has the rivalry with his brother, and Lady wants revenge on her father for being an evil douche. Bayonetta? She's lady longlegs with guns and amnesia and several unspoken fetishes. And her character foils are: a chubby informant who is featured in, like, the intro and the credit cutscenes; a large token black weapon salesman/item vendor; a rival witch that is probably the only consistent relation with any depth, what little there is; a journalist that really wants to guilt Bayonetta and also be her love interest or something; a little girl who thinks of her as a mother, that's also used as a plot device so stupid that I still cannot believe it's in the story. Everyone Bayonetta interacts with is so detached from her for the majority of the game, and she doesn't seem to attempt showing empathy until almost the very end. And it's super awkward when it happens because 1) there's no sense of how she got to this point because it was never conveyed properly, and 2) whatever "development" that took place between the characters that were actually with her the majority of the time is nullified through storytelling things that really convolute the finished product and come off as silly because they don't contribute anything. I don't know. See for yourself if you happen to pick up the game.

The soundtrack's alright, but I wouldn't really call it a soundtrack. Jazzy, upbeat vocal tracks and orchestral flares for the occasional cutscene/boss encounter. But, that's all there is. This is a problem because the two primary fight encounter tracks are the same ones that you will be hearing whenever you fight mobs of enemies. With no variety or change until you get to those orchestral bits at boss time, during cutscenes, or in mini-game type sections. This is a problem because this a game based on fighting. This is a problem because while fighting, these two tracks are the only things you will be hearing over, and over. I really hope you like them (I do), because that's all the game gives you! Just a bad design choice in my opinion, especially when they showcased the talent they had at their disposal, only to do so little with it.

Visually, the game's great, as most contemporary titles are. Not much to say in that respect. It especially shows in combat, which I'll gush about in a little bit. Performance-wise, you might have to worry about some frame stuttering if you're playing on the PS3/360, but I expect more out of the Wii-U version. Level-design is mostly European cityscape-ish in influence, with the old, densely packed buildings being mixed in with modern amenities and architecture if that tickles your fancy parts. Also lots of floating platforms in empty space, but there's invisible walls so you don't fall off if you're fighting and not platforming, so it's k.

Now if Hideki drew a crowd for his storytelling and a few quirky design choices, it wouldn't be a very big crowd. No, he and his fans are in it for the gratuitous anime-like violence part that's done SO WELL that the rest of it doesn't matter! The gameplay is fluid, fast-paced, and as satisfying as any DMC I've played to date. Mobility is a key feature, giving you an effective double jump and dodge right from the start. This dodge also grants you the benefit of slowing down enemies momentarily to build your combos, if you can make a precisely-timed escape from an enemy's hit. (The amount of frames you're allowed is a little generous, but whatever. It's nice.) Combos feel as natural to execute as they should be when you're button mashing for your life/score. And if you want to get an enemy off the ground to deal with them more safely in the air, deal some extra damage, or just juggle, some of the combos reward you in these ways by, again, including timing as a requisite. Juggling enemies can be done, but at the risk of your health/score by potentially not noticing what other enemies are doing around you because you were too busy hammering Y and B. That's not entirely your fault though, because the camera is nothing to write home about. It has to fidget around pieces of the environment, or next to walls sometimes, but you can change its movement speed and the default invert settings (yes, people still do this for some reason) in one of the menus, so it becomes more manageable once you find a pace you're comfortable with. Otherwise, when you're just out in the open in combat, it stays at this 70-degree angle above Bayonetta and swivels around her position in a really zoomed out way. It'd be nice if it at least stayed consistent, but it has a tendency to focus in the direction of whatever enemy you've locked on to; more often than not this screws you over because attacking any enemy with ranged attacks tends to activate this effect, and it makes the camera not want to turn to see whatever bad guy's about to smack the back of your head. Or there are too many bad guys trying to smack all sides of your head and the camera decides it only wants to go a little bit higher than all of their heads and then stop, because overhead views are haaard. On a more positive note, the camera also changes for bosses and some mini-bosses, which is fine because they're pretty big, and it usually ends up in a Shadow of the Colossus kind of fighting style that can benefit from limited camera angles.

Anywho. That's about all I can think of.

TL;DR: if you like DMC, you will like this game. If that kind of combat and gameplay doesn't appeal to you, there's not many redeeming qualities for it to fall back on.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 08:28:25 PM by Nicolas Cage »

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #274 on: January 23, 2015, 08:11:09 PM »
Dragon Age: Origins


I know this is an old game but i just recently decided to get into the series. It's pretty fun and i'm loving the story so far. Combat can be a little tough but once i get the hang of it that shouldn't be to much of an issue.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #275 on: January 23, 2015, 11:28:05 PM »
Project zomboid


Diedmcos I caught a cold, sneezed, and then zombies cam bursting down my door. Then I died cos I accidentally got drunk. Then I fished for a few (in game) hours. Then, suprize! Zombies!

So yeah. This game is a super pessimistic, super realistic, isometric zombie survival sim. It says in the intro "these are the end times /there was no hope for survival / this is how you died"

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #276 on: January 24, 2015, 06:27:37 PM »
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3: 7/10

The character roster is fairly satisfying and the gameplay is solid. However, the lack of game modes leaves you feeling bored with the game after a while.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #277 on: March 14, 2015, 09:34:02 PM »
Shadow of Modor 9/10

A lot of the time I consider story to be important for games. It's good for proving it is an artistic medium to people who dismiss it.
However this games story is a little cliche, basic "dead family, get revenge" type deal. But games like this, where the game is really fun to play and the mechanics are solid, are such a treat that I just don't care about the samey story. The combat is reminiscent of the Arkham games and is pretty brutal in a very rewarding way, you feel like you really just kicked somethings ass.

Another plus about this game is the nemisis system, which if I am honest makes up for the story, all the Orcs (Uruks but eh same thing) are randomised in appearance, strengths, weaknesses and fears you can manipulate along with a name and title to create a personality, so when certain ones kill you multiple times it creates this ,much more personal kind of rivalry that most other games just can't nail. This game is practically perfect but not without it's minor flaws. I recommend trying it to literally anybody regardless of taste in games, it's just a good game.
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #278 on: March 15, 2015, 12:53:38 AM »
Red orchestra 2 rising storn: PTSD/10
This game is super duber uber realistic. The gunplay is good, the sounds are great! And, when the team is good, the game is great!

But like this game is frigging traumatizing!
It's story time guis
So I was playing rising storm, I was an American, in a room with about four or five other dudes. Some jap threw a grenade into the room, killing everyone but me.
All of the other people lay on the ground screaming and gurgling their last. One, tears choking his voice, said "I'd do it for you, guys! I'd do it for you! Get over here and save me damnit!" The third said, and this quote is seared into my brain "Pa? Is that you? I just fell off the tractor is all."   :'( 
The others, lay there screaming, gurgling, and writhing around on the floor of some Japanese house, never able to see anyone but the men dying with them.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 12:59:14 AM by Sturmtruppen Shepherd »

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #279 on: March 26, 2015, 11:01:36 PM »
Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes

Fiddle/10 would play like a fiddle again.

No its a great game but its short. Its a great demo for whats to come in The Phantom Pain!
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #280 on: April 01, 2015, 05:17:30 PM »

Heh fun times derpin' around in skyrim
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #281 on: April 13, 2015, 11:47:38 AM »
Brutally challenging and at times unforgiving, but the most rewarding experience you'll ever find in a videogame.

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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #282 on: April 16, 2015, 03:33:37 AM »
Halo: The Russian version nobody is supposed to talk about. Buggy as one would expect in the menus, but the only bugs in-game involved melee while reloading a rocket launcher, and occasional respawn time length issues when lag was present. Gameplay otherwise is amazing, feels like the best of Halo 3 and 4, and I got to play remastered maps from 2 and 3, as well as a few new ones. 8.5/10
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 03:55:09 AM by HollowOfHaze »
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #283 on: April 16, 2015, 03:49:37 AM »
Far Cry 4

Personally I would give it an eight out of ten. There were a few features and things they could have covered better, but there was some clipping at some points in which I would get caught INSIDE a cliff. I had to kill myself with a grenade to re-spawn  D:
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Re: Rate The Last Game You Played
« Reply #284 on: April 22, 2015, 01:42:16 AM »
Bad Rats
A friend gave it to me sent it to me on April fools  and lets say we aren't friends anymore 0/10


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