Zephyr smiled. "Right on it," he said. "And I'll see if I can't find Kitane's sword." running around the corner, he saw the guard, with Lokyar following. Thinking quick, he said a few words, then ran forward and punched the guard in the face with the butt of his knife. "Hi lokyar," he said. "Atticus rescued Kitane, and I'm suppposed to be causing a distra..."
Suddenly, a muted explosion noise came from far above them.
"Never mind," he said. "Sounds like Jeff found some explosives..."
Meanwhile, Jeff was in the midst of the paladins, hacking left and right with his giant kitchen knives. "GO TO SLEEEP!" he yellled, gutting one of them.
"Anyway, I'm going to go find Kitane's sword." With those words, Zephyr rushed past Lokyar and up the steps...