Moby's vision goes blurred before he focuses again, and he does not wholly trust his vision anymore.
"wait why couldn't you have sent me to Roma? Why are we speaking English? What is happening is this real? What? I?". He looks over to Zypher and slips back into his rage, growling below his breath and looks out over the 'balcony' shuck was really one of the windows
His anger at 'Serva' rebuilt his trust to his vision but it was sporadically hopping between Kitanes home and his
"pray forgive me M'Lord" he says to lokyar
"I have a terrible migraine today"
Post Merge: May 17, 2012, 01:05:40 AM
Moby looks at Zypher and his rage is visible
"discussing weather!?!? If you so much as touch my wife again, so help me!" he says grabbing him and throwing him across the room, and sinks to his knees
"Gaah!" he exclaims as he begins to slip back into the present, but isnt fully there yet