Moby jolted awake and sprung immediately out of bed, with his paws raised in a Moi Tai fighting stance. Unrecognizing the room and Lokyar at first he flipped Lokyar on his back and pressed one foot-paw on his chest so he couldn't move.
"Where an I? This architecture dosnt appear Italian, answer me!" he says at first before reaching for his phone on the nightstand. After looking at the date, everything hit him like a brick wall.
He steps off Lokyar and put a paw to his head before helping him up.
"oh god it happened, didn't it? Shit I don't rembered anything... And I have my robes on, Jesus Christ..." he says and reaches for his neck and notices his necklace isn't there
"shit shit shit, where'd it go?" he says, sitting onto the bed