Replace a lot of people. Open investigations into every major politician over the last 40 years. Place heavy tariffs on foreign goods. Bomb Daesh (ISIS) out of existence. Send in a scorched earth massive ground invasion if needed. Make friends with Russia. Pull out from all our little conflicts all over the world. Bomb a small part of Mecca, telling all Islamic terrorists that if they continue to be scum, the next bomb that hits Mecca will be nuclear. Tell the UN to go **** themselves. Put the Army on the southern border to end illegal immigration. End the F35, save the A10 and order an upgraded version designed. Return more power to the states and the people of the states. Simple taxes. Repeal the USA "Freedom" Act. Pull out of NATO, telling the remaining nations they now have to defend themselves. Start investigations into every major corporation. Due to us pulling our military out of almost everywhere in the world, give everyone a good tax refund. Tell China we owe them nothing.
If you can't guess, I am very ambitious and love what ifs.