The political structure in Belgium has contributed to it a lot.
Molenbeek what was the base for the attacks and where most radicalisations happen is a part of the Brussels Region.
Meaning that everything that has to do with infrastructure falls under control of that government. However the social situtions falls under control of the Flemish community and Walloon Community.
Terrorism and possible threat however falls under the Federal control and thus some people state the federal government should have interfered.
The thing is: all governments should have taken their responsibility but the particracy around here simply says: If I can't gain from it I wont even try changing something.
Another reason that caused the attacks are the budget cuts on homeland security, police force and the military.
If you thought the situation was bad: After the bombs exploding on the airport the military chief in command gave the order to the head of security in the Federal government. This wasn't the right person, he had to contact the chief of transportation in the Brussels Region government. The person in the federal government never called the right person, he casually send an e-mail that was not even looked at by the person in the Brussels Regional government.
This caused that the Metro was never stopped and thus giving the oppertunity to terrorists to blow up a metrotrain.